Life's Ocean

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The ocean stretches out—it flows on and on,
The sky and water mirror images of each other
Of rosy, gold clouds spreading across twin surfaces
—kissing the distant horizon.

My ship sails on through that never-ending path of water
Sailing desperately to reach that far-off shoreline
Where the two meet as one on the shore I call home
—the place where we belong.

At times it seems so very far away,
Making me want to quit, stop and give up
Letting the waves throw me where they will until I die,
Taking the easy way out, the route of failure
Although, in shame.

Hold on, despairing soul—keep sailing forth!
Sail for those days when you'll reach the sun's warm light,
Keep on towards that horizon where Everlasting Life awaits,
Be steadfast and persevere!
Hold onto that bright light of Heaven,
Your soul's true home, and arrive in victory!

Sail through life's waters, faithful bondservant
Letting God steer your way and filling the sails.

Your long and forlorn path will soon reach home.
Our hope is in Him.
As the sea leaves its boundary to touch the sky
We leave the shackles of earth to touch the heavens
And are home there forever-more.

We shall prevail.

Persevere, and sail on!

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