Draft 1 - 72 hours in mars.

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This book was supposed to be sci-fi themed. Like it's meant to be in outer space. A girl that gets abducted by aliens (LOL) and escapes with the help of a guy that she met. They get to earth and stop an invasion. Very un original, I know. It's more detailed and complicated than I describe but meh.

Here is the draft.


"Kenny, what do you think lives on that other planet?" A high pitch voice asks me.

"Maybe nothing, maybe everything. I don't know" and then I gazed up the sky and saw a red planet shinning behind a layer of an intoxicated air.

"Do you think we will ever take off these masks?" The same voice asked

That's all I can remember.

I don't remember how I got here.


Or anything else.

I just know that I came from a planet one space closer to the sun, because sometimes I hear voices that say that.

Some squabble that its name is Earth and some other call it the blue planet.

Maybe both are true.

I could have been here for days, hour, months. I couldn't seem to know.

I woke up with a start, hearing some banging in the dark room.

My hands were tied above my head and my eyes were blindfolded. Feet were tied as well and I was laying down on some kind of uncomfortable hard floor.

Never have I felt so confused as now.

I don't know this place. I don't remember anything about my old home, but I know that this isn't the place I belong.

Footsteps. I hear them. They are coming from the left of the room.

"..........." A puase and then "..........."


The voices were so different from anything else I have ever heard.

Strange guttural sounds that sound like a huff and a growl, although calm and natural.

I am in total darkness. I can't see a single thing. I can only hear.

I hear creaks and then some dropping sound. Like droplets of water.

I hear then a heavy breathing. suddenly and I enter in panic.

I rush, trying to make myself get in a sitting position.

I make it at last.

A rough and warm breath collides with my ear and it causing a frisson.

I try to hold still and suddenly I feel it go away. I'm not so stupid as to think that the mysterious breath maker is gone. I feel like someone is watching me. Then I feel how the sensation disappears with a cold and light breeze.

I try tugging at the things that keep my hands in place and fail. I try once again and I feel them loosen up a bit.

I give a final tug and it burns... But the rope falls off and my hands are free.

I touch my face and my eyes as I try to take of the blindfold but it seems to be sucked to my face.

I pull the edge of the weird material and it immediately falls off.

I wish I hadn't taken off the blindfold.

The image is way to haunting and gruesome and I feel like it will follow me the rest of my life.

Girls in the corner with their eyes gouged out and their bodies bruised.

Their bodies lie lifeless and they seem to be stiff.

Blood is on the floor and I see a door.

Light runs below it and I can
Silhouettes running through the small gap.

Then, one stops just right outside the door.

I quickly put on the blindfold and put my hands as if they were tied, just in time, because I hear the door creek open and footsteps going towards me.

I feel a hand on my cold cheek and I fight the urge to bat it away.

The hand takes off the blindfold and is headed towards my hands.

Just as I felt the heat of breath on my face, I jumped and hit the body as hard as I could.

I was about to get off the bed when I felt something tugging at my ankles. I never untied my feet.

The body was on the floor and hugging its knees. I guess I hit a good spot.

I smirked as I saw that it was a human man.

I didn't hesitate and went slowly and cautiosly closer.

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