Draft 4 - Miss Manhattan

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Same story, differnet chapter. I never did write in order, so this was just something that was supposed to pass somewhere in the story. 



As I turned around I felt his eyes on my back. Burning holes in my back.

I didn't really know his name but something about him made me gravitate towards him.

I had been feeling his eyes on me all night since I took a seat directly in front of him on the other side of the small coffee shop. His brown hair and dark eyes attractive to any woman with eyes.

His black shirt was tucked into his dark blue jeans and his legs crossed as he leaned into the black couch that he had monopolized. The book he had been reading was already forgotten beside him as he drank small sips of his coffee.

It was late and the coffee shop was about to close since it was already so close to midnight.

I came here when I couldn't find inspiration to write my small books, and although that didn't happen often, I came here enough to know that this man wasn't from around this beautiful and picturesque town.

"Excuse me, ma'am? I beg your pardon but we have to close" I heard the young Batista tell me.

I turned to look at him, flustered and slightly embarrassed.

"Of course" I answered, gathering my phone and my small purse to go outside.

Before I got up the couch I turned my sight towards the place where the man that I had been making eye contact with was only to find that he was not there anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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