Draft 2 - Why and how

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This one is about a girl that lives a very complicated teenage life. Her parents divorced, she stayed with her boyfriend/husband at the age of 14. She is a depressed girl that takes care o her sister and she was supposed to pass through some complicated moments of her life. She confornts puberty and the normal teenage things technically alone since she has no parents all while taking care of her sister.



My mind was going crazy and I hated it. I'm just 16. God damn.

What am I doing with my life?

"Nana, are we there yet?" Asked a quiet, high pitched voice.

"Yes, love. Almost just a few more minutes and we'll get to school." I responded automatically to Katy.

I watched as other girls my age past by me in their flirtatious uniform. They were high schoolers.

I automatically turned away and start thinking about what I was going to do as soon as I got home.

I have tons to do! Chores, food, school...

I sighed and secretly wished for the comfort that being alone for a few hours bought. It was comforting to have a few hours to yourself. No sisters, no neighbours and no-

"Kaiden! I have to go!" Katy yelled at me, her zoned out sister.

"Oh okay, baby. Have a good day, be good and write down your homework. Oh! And-"

"Yeah I know, do all the teacher says! I love you bye!" She rushed at me.

It was always so hard seeing Katy go away. I didn't like it. She's in second grade of elementary school. I've been with her since she was a baby.

She was only one and a half when our parents divorced. I was 11.

I watched her walk away with a huge grin and her lovely dark blue uniform. She loved school and I was happy for her.

I watched her disappear and headed back towards the house, kicking small gray pebbles on the way back.

I was conscious that I looked like a depressed person. Head down, hands in pockets, big clothes and my brow furrowed. My common look. I sighed again.

I was walking back home in auto pilot. Not looking at my surroundings but being able to cross the road safely. I relied on my senses to guide me back home, since school was only seven minutes away.

Whenever I took Katy I would make sure to be alarmed and aware of everything. If I got killed alone by being all zombie I wouldn't mind as much, but I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to Katy because of me.

I looked up and only saw my house door. As usual I opened the door and stripped off my clothes. It was two pm and I needed to do stuff and clothes were a huge obstacle for me to be functional.

I started right away with my music on full volume and dancing and singing and just not caring.

This was my routine. And I'm okay with it. It was a great way to make time pass faster.

I finished rinsing the last dish and looked at the clock in the kitchen.

It read two fifty pm. Pfff. So much for making time pass quickly.

I put back on some clothes and went to the main room and got on my phone realizing that I had a new message from my love. He was asking if I was alright.

I was very tempted to answer "Of course. Why wouldn't I be? Its not like I can do much" but I decided against it. I didn't wanna fight. Again.

I sighed for what seemed the thousand time in the day.

Like every couple in the world, we fought often but we loved each other like nothing else in the world.

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