Draft 3 - Miss Manhattan

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A girl of the age of 23 that is rich and powerfull thanks to her company (never decided what type) that lives the nice life in New York. She has adventures and flings along her way, something kind of like Sex in the city (never read that book, scouts honor) and she ends up falling in love with an employee. 

She doesnt believe in love and is always all business. She is mature and all that. All she thinks about is business, and all. But she had a dark past that she wants to forget. 



Life in New York was never boring. Not today, not ever.

As I walked through the main floor of my company, I could hear all the voices chatting through the phone, papers rustling, pens scribbling and phones ringing.

I didn't turn as I passed by. I walked straight to my private elevator and pressed the button to get to the 38th and last floor. My floor.

My black pumps made a small 'thump' with each step I took, making it clear that I was passing by.

The elevator dinged and started to make its way up to my office letting me have a beautifull view of the New York City and letting me see how my feet lifted from the floor.

I remember how when a 12 years old child I was seeing 'Willy Wonka' ride his glass elevator to Charlies house and I always said that at least once in my life I would see a glass elevator... Today not only do I see it, but now I ride it whenever I like, and also have a beautiful glass office with a glass table and glass walls with a whole building beneath that also consists in great prortion of glass.

I decided to press the 'stop' button on the 32nd floor with my manicured hands, and enjoy the view. I could barely make out people on the street. I could see the whole city beneath my feet. I could feel the power.

I pressed once again the 'go' button and was a short 10 seconds later in my glass office.

Today I had my chauffer take me to the front door of my company in my beautiful black 2016 GT Mustang, had the paparazzi ambush me in the main entrance, had a beautifull view of Manhattan city in my personal glass elevator and got into my wide glass office and it was barely 6:00 a.m.

As I walked on my wooden covered floor to my glass desk, my bluetooth earpiece beeped signaling I had a call. The only person who had this number was my P.A. Josh.

"Yes, Josh?" I said into the earpiece.

"Hi Ally, what will you drink today?" Josh said

I sighed as I took my seat "Josh, we have been through this many times. You shall assist me in work. Not in stuff like this. You are my P.A. in work, not my maid" I said as seriously as I could manage.

Josh had become one of my best friends in a profesional way. We would go out and talk, and do all friend-like activities, but on work he would be concentrated.

He was profesional through and through.

"Yes, Ally. I'm aware of that, but I'm not on work curfew am I?" I could almost see him smirking "I'm asking as a friend right now"

As I turned to look at the wall clock I saw he was indeed correct. His shift started at 6:30 a.m. and it was barely 6:13 a.m.

"In that case... bring me a slurpee?" I asked.

I could hear his snort "A slurpee at six a.m.? I'll get you a hot chocolate" he said before hanging up.

Ugh. Men.

I pulled out my laptop and activated my office phone and made sure my makeup was in place. My image was important.

I rose from my seat and walked to the glass wall and admired the city once more.

"Mrs. Platten? I have a Roy Grafton on line 1. Do you wish to take the call?" I heard coming from my income.

I sighed. I have told the recepcionists to say I'm not available before 8:00 a.m. but it seems that they do not understand.


"Julie." She continued for me.

"Oh, yes. Well, Julie. I have made a rule to not pass any calls before 8 a.m.. This cannot happen again. Please abstain from doing so again or I will fire you. I will take the call" I finished.

I didn't like to threat with firing my employees but it was bad enough that sometimes I had to take over things that I shouldnt really have to do. I cant tolerate any undiscipline.

I'm boss. My rules.

As I sat back down in my chair I took the call and answered automatically:

"Hello, Mr. Grafton. Allison Platten Cosmetics, Miss Platten speaking"

"Miss Platten. I am Roy from Roy Enterprises. I call hoping you may have considered our previous offer?"

A brief flash of a conversation that took place lest week went through my mind. Roy had offered to buy my company and offer me a generous amount of money.

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