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Gabriel's POV
Shit, shit, shit! I thought to my self as I pulled up to the school. Damn it I wanted to get a prank in before school. With all of these freaking tarties I am going to get a detention, stupid Castiel having to put on all his jewelry and find his trench coat!

Okay, I might be over reacting a little but you see the problem is I am the school trickster. No one knows that, but I am. I pull a prank on everyone who crosses me and no one knows about it. Of course Lucifer and Castiel have there suspicions but I have never told anyone about my side career.

For today I planned on pranking this rondom douche bag that was going on about how he wanted all gays to die and of course I will not put up with that!

I go to my homeroom class and check in with the teacher. I am actually a good kid... Well that's what people think.

I set my bag down on the ground which is kind of difficult seeing as it has multiple cans of spray paint and I don't want them to rattle.

After about 10 minutes into the class I figure it is enough time.
"Hey teacher can I use the restroom?"
"Of course Gabriel go ahead."

I go up to the sign out chart and sign my name that I am going to the restroom and what time it was. We have this at the school so people don't think kids are just roaming the halls it doesn't have much logic but it is what we have to do (We actually have to do this at my school it is so pointless and it makes no sense bc people don't do it). Luckily for me it helps the whole aspect of not getting caught. There is a column for sign out which you but the time you leave and sign in where you put when you come back. For me I put both of them before I leave and bam people think I am in class when I'm not.

Anyway, I filled that put and went across the hall and turned down the senior hallway to the guys locker.

I saw him putting in his combination earlier and he is one of those people to put the combination in before they leave so they don't have to put it in before getting their books, maybe this will teach him he probably shouldn't do that.

I open my back pack and pull out the different cans of spray paint. I have Roygbiv colors, obviously. For the prank I decided to go simple, well for the trickster simple. Painting a rainbow inside along the locker and all of his stuff I placed a lollipop at the bottom of his locker. The tricksters signature.

Before I closed the locker I placed a balloon inside filled with rainbow glitter and a fan behind it. So once the locker is opened it will push the balloon in to a needle on the fan also turning the fan on blowing the glitter all over him.

Rattle Rattle.

Crap that is my spray can bottles, I must have knocked one down. Wait... how could I have hit my spray cans they are behind me...

I slowly turn around and I am met with something I never would have thought.

"Oh... heh... hi?" I say nervously.

I have been caught.

Hello wonderful people that read my story! So I finally stop procrastinating and updated (you can thank charlietaylor101 for telling me to update on Sunday I probably would have procrastinated more if not). I am so sorry I have had no free time we have been moving houses and the new house doesn't have internet and I have been using data when I am not supposed to (I'm not technecally supposed to be on it now but... it is internet how can I not) also I realized in my last chapter I said this would be a michifer but I changed my mind that chapter will come soon enough tho so don't worry.

Anyways like always constructive criticism is great I would love to here what you think and feel free to comment as well.


Not So Normal High School Love Story (Sabriel, Destiel, Michifer)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang