Green and Blue Paint Stains

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*The day before the first day of school*

Dean's POV
"Sam I am heading out!" I yell to him up the stairs. It is the day before school starts and I need to get my reputation up somehow, so I decided to go to a party.

I ran into this girl Lisa I think her name was the first day we moved here and she had invited me. She seemed pretty popular and Definatily would have a lot of people there. Plus, hey, free booze so why not.

I decided not to go too fancy since it is just a high school party. I am wearing a plain black shirt with my last schools Letterman jacket and ripped black skinny jeans. I would say I look pretty hot.

I get into baby, my car, and text Lisa asking for the address.
2022 Black Parade Lane 20129.

I drive there and there is already people crowding around the house with music playing so loud you can feel the bass vibrations in the ground.

I squeeze my way around people into the house where I find Lisa stumbling around with a red solo cup in her hand. She falls onto my chest and trys to give me her flirtiest smile. I respond with a wink even though I am really not into her like that but again it is all about reputation.

I eventually find my way into the kitchen and poor myself a cup of beer. Probably not the smartest for school tomorrow but oh well.

Castiel's POV
I decided to come to the back to school party because my best friend Charlie wanted me to come with her. Even though of course she ditched me for her "best friend".

Her and her best friend Joe have been friends since like 5th grade and they are so cute. They won't admit they are gay for each other but come on they so are. I ship it.

Anyway, once she ditched me I went to find a drink because if I am going to have to deal with these drunk idjits I will need to be drunk my self. I honestly don't care if it is the night before school.

I finally found the kitchen after wondering for a while and grabbed a cup with beer and coke, it sounds gross but it is actually pretty good. I will have to find something stronger later in the night.

I jump up on the counter just observing how the people act. There were so many people there either making out dancing like a normal person or grinding into each other on the dance floor.

After a little while of sitting by myself (about a full 10 seconds) a bunch of obviously drunk girls came up to me.

"Heeey, Cast-Castiel... you look great." One of them said while looking me up and down. Honestly I wasn't wearing anything special, my normal piercings, a MCRX t shirt (craft), and ripped black skinny jeans.
"You know," she continued "I've always wondered what it would be like to make out with a guy with lip rings." She attempted to look sexy and fluttered her eyelashes but to me she just looked stupid. How do people still think I am straight.

"Thanks but I'd rather not get an STD." I retorted not moving from the counter. She stormed away and told a group of her friends. Oh well maybe that will get them to stop. For some reason the girls like the 'bad boy' 'punk' look and I get flirted with all the time. Again how do they not know I am gay. Do I need to scream "I LIKE DICK!" to the entire party, is that the only way?

I went back to observing the party until a god came in. He entered the room in a Letterman jacket and ripped black skinny jeans that out lined his butt quite well. The Letterman jacket wasn't from our school and I didn't recognize the name. I assume he is new to town and that was his old school. He looked around the room and got a drink then turned around. He saw me sitting on the counter and we locked eyes. We sat there staring into each others eyes not really knowing what to do.

Not So Normal High School Love Story (Sabriel, Destiel, Michifer)Where stories live. Discover now