☬️War And Glory Chapter Seven☬️

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|Z A R A|

"Okay troops! Today's the day Rose is suppose to attack. I want Frankie's, Cleo's, and Mira's troops at the front lines! Vessels we got the coordinates of the Havana members. I want them taken down!" Lorenza ordered as I nodded and went up to the magic sensory reader and pointed at the light blue dot on the far right corner of the screen. "Zara wants to face that one!" I smirked. "You sure Zara? We have reason to believe that the girl uses ice magic." Kelly-chan asked as I nodded. "Zara needs a challenge. Let's see, that's not so far from here." I answered as I walked doit of the taction room. "Zara wait!" Luke-sama yelled as I turned around. "What?" I asked. "I'm going with you." Luke-sama answered as I shook my head.

"This is something Zara has to do on her own. Zara will be okay, she promises." I promised as i got onto the motorcycle and rode off.

|M I R A|

"You heard the lady we're need on the front lines!" I yelled as my village walked out of the palace and towards the battlefield. "Wait for my signal then we charge." I ordered as I saw Rose's army advancing. "Little bit more..." I said quietly as the came closer. "CHARGE!!" I yelled.

|R E B E C C A|

"Where the heck is this place anyways?" I asked myself as I looked up to see a fireball coming closer to me. "Crap!" I yelled as i sway the motorcycle making it dodge the fireball. "I think i found her." I sighed as i got off the motorcycle to see a lady about my age standing in front of me. She was wearing a long red kimono with white flower designs on it. Her bright red hair was in a loose braid. And to top it all off she had red fingerless gloves with spikes on the knuckles. "So...you're the ice vessel i've heard of, you are a lot taller since the last time I saw you." She said as i raised my eyebrow. "Oh i suppose Rachel hasn't told you yet. Well I shouldn't ruin the surprise, I just never thought i've be facing you Rebecca." She explained. "I don't even know who you are or what your name is, so how could you possibly seen me when i was shorter?" I asked rolling my eyes. "First I'm Shelly and two, I've been in your entire life in the elemental world. Until you left, your mother then told me before I killed her. Yeah thats right I killed her...." That was when everything I ever felt. The pain, the heartache, the abuse from my father came bubbling up to the surface, all I wanted t0 do now was make sure SHelly pays for what she's done. "You...your the women I've been searching for all my life....The person who killed my mother. For that you must die!" I yelled as I brought out my spear.

|B A C K A T T H E P A L A C E|

"It would be her wouldn't it?" Rachel sighed. "GIVE 'EM HELL REBECCA!!" Grayson yelled as Ruby looked at Shelly's profile. "Apparently Shelly is the fire type of the Havana group, she's flaten 6 continents in just 5 seconds. Oh crap Rebecca's screwed." Ruby sighed as Grayson pressed a blue button on the screen. "Rebecca, can you hear me?" Grayson asked. "I hear you loud and clear, Grayson." Rebecca responded as the monitor showed Rebecca landing a punch on Shelly. "You do know that Shelly specializes in Fire magic right?!" Grayson asked as Rebecca blocked a fireball coming at her. "I do now! I'm fucking screwed!" Rebecca yelled. "No your not! Just remember your training. Remember this women killed your mother! Are you seriously gonna let her get away with that!" Grayson said. "Hell no! This bitch is going down!" Rebecca yelled as Rebecca went back to fighting."That's my girl!" Grayson smiled. 'Please...stay safe Rebecca.' Rachel thought.

|R E B E C C A|

I made my hand into ice getting ready to lunge at her. Once i lunged at her she dodged it making me fall. I quickly got up and reached for a dagger in my pocket, i then looked over to see that SHelly was reaching for a throwing star engulfing it in fire. She threw the throwing star at me as i threw the dagger at her. I dodged the weapon but Shelly caught mines. I then felt an excruciating pain in my shoulder. I looked over to it to see that the throwing star was in my shoulder blade I closed my eyes and pulled it out. "AGHH!!" I yelled in pain. I then saw Shelly trow 3 more of the fire and stars at me luckily I dodged them but I fell on the floor, I then saw she almost stabbed my leg so I swept her leg making her fall but before she did I grabbed her arm as I pulled it behind her back. I looked to my left to see my dager. I then saw Shelly hand leave my grasp uppercutting me. 'What the heck was that!? My body strength just' I thought as she punched me into the ground creating a giant creator. I tried to get up but Shelly punched me back down.

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