☬️War And Glory Chapter Twenty-Seven☬️

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Between 7 of the best vessels… with just one exchange of first, all are able to read what in the others hearts.

“Even knowing that… you still want to kill us?” Vanessa asked. “That's exactly why. I need to kill you six.” Melanie answered.

“You… even with everything that's happened up until now, if you tried to start a brand new world. There's no guarantee that things wouldn't end up exactly the same way again.” Rebecca warned her.

“That's is why I will continue to look over the elemental world. In order to prevent that from happening.” Melanie explained.

“Melanie is missing the point. The six villages as of now… have finally all settled down and unified together!” Zara said.

“Yeah… that's because the six villages all had a common enemy. Rose and Irene. In order to defeat them, the warriors of the village set aside the grudges and unified because there was no other way for them to survive. But now that they will be no common enemy they will once again begin to separate into their own villages.” Melanie explained.

“And that's why you're planning to become the enemy now? But then… what's going to happen after you die?” Amber asked. “Up until now… what was just scattered points has finally become a connected line.” Melanie said.

“It began with the blood eyes, and now I have the power of the ritual eyes as well. And with the immortality if the reincarnation of the successors I'll surely be able to find some way. And unlike the way this war has played up till now… I'll be controlling everything from the shadows.” Melanie answered.

“So for the rest of your life... sorry for the rest of eternity you're planning to return to that hell of loneliness? All while shouldering the hate and grudge of the world?” Lizzie asked.

“That's what I mean when I said queen.” Melanie answered as they teleported back to the battlefield. “You'll never be able to kill me by attacking at that level.” Melanie yelled from inside the Titian.

“That's just it! I don't want to kill you!” Valerie shot back as Melanie sighed as made 6 giant purple fireballs about to size of a manison. “Currently, I might be the most powerful person in this world. And so now, I will take my first step into the shadows by killing you, Vanessa.” Melanie yelled as the threw the fireball at Vanessa's fox but it mixed with Vanessa's fire so on half of the fox was purple.

“This isn't good at all… she's combining all the separate magic’s into one… things are gonna get even worse after that! At this point, the vessels are practically as a god and Lizzie isn't even in her god mode! Although… they are acting completely contrary to how the old vessels would.” a voice inside Vanessa's head said.

“Who the heck are you!?” Vanessa asked. “I tell you later. Anyways now with that gedo statue gone… Melanie putting them all into susanoo! And what's going to come out is going to be no joke! Don't you let your guard down for an instant Vanessa!” the voice said as it left Vanessa's head. “FIRE CLONE!!” Vanessa yelled as 5 more replicas of the fox appeared.

“Vanessa, that technique is just simply a channel for your loneliness.” The six fox's then started fighting the Titan but Melanie was getting the upper hand. The vessel then started making the vessel sphere aiming it at Melanie's Titian.

“VESSELS BOMB!!” The all yelled as 6 vessels bombs hit Melanie but Melanie looked only a little damaged. “Without enough magic to even use another vessels bomb there's no way you can face me and I am now!” Melanie yelled as she backup and couple of yead and go an arrow ready. But Vanessa's fox sat down.

“VANESSA WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!!???!!!” Rebecca yelled. “I have no idea.” Vanessa answered
"I may have charged up and bit to much. This is from every last bit there is above ground! I'm sending it now!!” The voice in Vanessa's head answered as a black energy ball and a white energy ball appeared in the foxes hand.

“VANESSA WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING BETTER MAKE IT QUICK THE ARROW IS COMING AT US!!” Zara yelled as Vanessa threw the two energy balls at the arrow. “YOU'RE NOT THE EVIL PERSON YOU ARE NOW!! I KNOW YOU KNOW, THAT TOO!!! MELANIE!!” Vanessa yelled.

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