☬️War And Glory Chapter Sixteen☬️

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|N O  O N E  P O V|

“Stand up for yourself!!” Luke yelled. Luke-sama...thank you! Zara thought as she glared Icy. Her eyes have changed. So she can harness the power of the eclipse eyes. This match might actually be good. Icy thought.

“So you're not gonna run away. Fine I'm not responsible for what happens to you Zara. But I might tell Luke that you might not live to see tomorrow.” Icy teased as Zara got into her fighting stance.

Zara won't run away! Zara never goes back on her word! Luke-sama taught me that! Zara thought as her eyes turned into a darker shade of lavender. “Zara will no longer run away! Eclipse eyes!” Zara yelled as Icy smirked. “Sister Icy, we fight!” Zara announced. “It be an honor to kill a little spoiled brat like you.” Icy said as she smirked.

At the palace

“Just as I thought she's using the same Eclipse style. Her stance is exactly the same as Icy’s.” Jacob guessed as Valerie looked at him weirdly. “Eclipse Style?” Luke asked. “The strongest magic stance in Bellmoral.” Kelly answered. “I have said it before. Icy is probably the 3rd strongest member of the Havana group.” Jacob said.

Back with Zara

Zara and icy were just started their match and things are getting good. Icy and Zara were exchanging punches but it looks like they were using their palms but it still looked effective. Zara back up a bit to get to Icy stomach sending as force to Icy’s kidneys.

Back at the palace

“Even a slight touch is enough. That what makes the McCain family so great.” Grace said in awe. “Huh? What do you mean?” James asked. “The McCain’s have a special fighting style that has been passed down from generation to generation.” Jessica started. “The fighting style that I use cuss damage but injuring the body and breaking bones. It's a fighting style that aims to cause damage to the outer body. You could call it iron fist style.” Rachel continued.

“While McCain causes damage by flowing their magic into the opponent’s inner magic threads. A technique that destroys the organs inside your body. It's called the lunar eclipse style.” Ember explained. “It may not look impressive… but you'll definitely feel it afterwards.” Grace said as she looked at the screen.

“You can't train your inner body. It can be a critical hit for the toughest guy.” Kelly smiled as she saw Zara taking the upper hand on the fight. “YAAAAA!! GO ZARA!!” Luke cheered.

“To attack the inner magic threads...this is a new said of Zara” Rebecca smiled. “What are these magic threads anyways?” James asked. “You really are stupid aren't you.” Grace sighed. “I'll explain. Like your veins that carry blood, the magic threads is spread out throughout the body. They are like string that carry magic yo all parts of the body.” Kelly explained.

“Oh! So it's like a magic highway.” James guessed as Kelly nodded. “Yes… and the threads surround all the magic producing organs. So if you attack the inner magic threads system you can also damage the organs too.” Kelly continued.

“Wow your really smart Kelly.” Ayden complimented. Of course, because Kelly’s greatest enemy… is Icy. Ruby thought. “But how can they even do that? It's not like the magic threads system is visible. How do you attack the threads that are inside the body?” Vanessa asked.

“With the eyes those two have… with the power of eclipse eyes you can see it.” Ember answered. “And the attack of the lunar eclipse is different from a normal attack. You release your magic from palm and flow it into your opponent’s body. This wall cause direct damage to the inner magic threads system.” Jessica explained.

Zara lunar eclipse then hit direct in Icy's stomach. “YES!!” Luke cheered. But then Zara started coughing up blood. This was because Icy's lunar eclipse hit Zara in her heart and her lungs. “So this is it… the extent of the main house’s strength.” Icy laughed as she added more pressure into the points where her hand were at.

“Wh-what’s going on!? Zara’s attacks have been landing perfectly!!” Luke yelled. “Zara isn't done just yet!” Zara yelled as she tried to hit Icy's heart but Icy caught her arm and used lunar eclipse under her arm.

With Zara

Icy then rolled up her sleeve to reveal that you could see little dots on Zara's arm that were the magic points. “No way… so from the beginning…” Zara stammered. “Exactly my eyes can even see the opening magic points.” Icy answered.

At the palace

“What the hell..?” Grayson asked. “Above the inner magic threads system are 365 pressure points called magic holes. They are the size of the tip of a needle through. These are also called the opening points and if you press these pressure points accurately, you can stop or increase your opponent’s magic flow. You can control whoever you want.” Ruby explained.

“I'll tell you one more thing too… these opening points frankly speaking, even my blood eyes can see them, even with the ability to be able to use it effectively during battle.” Rachel added.

With Zara

Icy then put pressure on Zara's heart making her fall back. “Zara-sama… this is the difference in talent that can never change. The difference that divides an elite from a loser.” Icy started as Zara glared at her. “This is the reality that cannot be changed.” Icy continued.

“The moment you said ‘Zara doesn't want to run anymore.’ you were setting yourself up for regret. You should be overcome with desperation right now. Just say mercy and I'll be in my way.” Icy suggested as Zara got up. “Zara… doesn't go back… on her word… cause that is my will to live.” Zara vowed.

Icy's brilliance shows a definite “Gap”!! Yet Zara's spirit refuses to be broken!! How will this battle of the cousins end!? Find out in the next chapter of War and Glory!

Author note.

Holy cow! I'm getting chills writing this! Probably because it winter were I'm at but mostly the excitement! I will try to update as so as I can! And happy early Thanksgiving!

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