Chapter 2

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Lincoln's POV

I am still pretty confused, the show, I really don't know if I love it, it seems boring to me now, but I had a feeling I really love that show. I went upstairs and I bumped into Luan.

"Oh! I-I am so s-sorry Luan, i'm not watching my steps properly." I said with a sweat dripping off my face.
"Oh, that's okay Lincoln." Luan said while walking away with a notebook in her hands.
"Weird..." I whisphered it to myself.

It really seems off around here, its like something is missing with Luan, but I can't seem to remember it. I have this weird feeling that this house was used to be noisy, but now, its like a deserted place. Instead of going to my room I went to a random room, I really can't seem to remember who is in that room... So I knocked at the door.

"Uhhh, may I come in?" I nervously said.
"Come in I guess..." Someone said in a familiar voice.

So I came in and I saw a purple room with two beds on the side and a bean bag near the right bed. The two girls weren't familiar at first because of their looks and clothing but then I knew who that was.

"Luan and uhhhh...." I said trying to remember their names.
"Hmm?" The other girl said in a raspy voice.
"Lana?" I said with a quick gulp on my throat.

I knew I said her name wrong but, Gosh! I can't remember her name now!

"Come sit beside me..." The girl on the right said.
"Hmph." Luan said while reading her notebook.

So I went closer and sit beside her. She looked at me furious then she smiled all of a sudden.

"My name is Luna, how come you forgot my name all of a sudden, I am your sister." Luna said with a questioning look.
"I, uhhhh, uhmmmm.... I don't know." I said in a very nervous tone.
"I am gonna go get some drink downstairs." Luan said in a bored tone.

Luan went outside and she shut the door tightly! I told Luna something.

"Lana?" I said.
"Its Luna" She said, still smiling.
"Oh Luna, do you have a feeling that something is missing in this house." I said nervously.

Luna looked at me in wide eyes but she quickly turned around.

"Yes, you may wanna go into your room now Lincoln." Luna said with a disappointing tone in her voice.

I followed it quickly and then I shut the door tightly. I was about to go to a different room when I saw Lana outside in her room wandering. I was about to walk away when she called my name.

"Hey you!" Lana called me.

I turned around to see a confused little girl with a red cap on her hair.

"Uhhh, you're a..... Lincoln right? My, I uhhhhh, only brother, right?" Said the little girl with a confused look on her face.
"Yes, I am, Lana." I said with a weak smile.

Hops came in by the scene and he hopped at Lana's red tomboyish cap. Lana snapped back and removed Hops immediately from her cap!

"Ugh! Get away from me you animal! I never wanted you really! Just leave me alone!!!!" Lana dryly said to Hops. Hops took it pretty hard considering that its Lana's bestfriend before, but now, she can't remember a single thing. Hops quickly hopped off to the other side, away from Lana and hid from the darkness.
"This nasty critters! They keep on bothering me!" Lana dryly shouted.
"Lana!" I shouted at Lana which she backed of a little.
"Its not good to shout at animals, they are like us, they have feelings too." I ended the argument.

Lana took it pretty hard and she went to her room and shut the door tightly.

"I wish that we are normal... That we can live a happy life! I know something is wrong, and I can sense it! Please end this madness!"

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