Chapter 4

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Lincoln's POV

"Here we go!" I bravely said.

I know I am not the brave and mighty type but I am confident that this will be the last and I could find more facts about this house and my so called sisters.

I opened the door, an axe swung just above the door which almost killed me but, luckily, I dodged it.

I saw someone infront of me, she was wearing pure black dress with shoulder pads that has deadly spikes. She is wearing shoes with spikes also.

It really feels like all of my siblings have opposite personalities.

She looked at me disappointed as her frowned face becomes anger.

"UGH! What do you want??" She angrily asked.
"Woah! That axe have almost killed me! You got me!" I said while backing off a little.
"Whatever!" She said in a much more bored tone.
"Wait!" I shouted
"We are just like totes near? Is it necessary to shout???" She said in a much more angry tone.
"Oh hehehe... You see, you are not familiar to me. What is your name?" I said with sweat dripping off of my face.

She stared at me for like a few seconds then she smiled...

"Oh, sorry for the axe... My name is Leni... Leni Loud..." Leni said in a much more calmer tone.
"OH! Hi!" I said in a much more joy filling me up.

I was about to go in when someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into her bed. She was overload in excitement and happiness so I just weirdly smiled at her.

"Hehehe... Uhhh... Who are you exactly?" I weirdly asked her.

She looked at me confused. I was nervous, so I don't know what to do.

She instantly smiled and offered me something...

"OH MY GOSH! We can literally play guessing games! I already know you so you will have to guess my name now!" She said in a very happy tone!
"Okay" I said, unsure about her name.
"Okay now guess!" She said

"Meh, close..."
"Try again!"

"Ugh! I will never get your name right!" I said while covering my face because of shame.
"No! Why are you literally giving up? I know you can do it!" She said with excitement on her face.
"Oh I know its!" I said with excitement on my face too!
"The moment is heating up~" She whisphered it to herself.
"Lowi?" I asked th annswer!

She facepalmed due to me not guessing her right name even though I am so close to guessing it. But she accepted it anyway.

"Nice try! But you didn't get the right answer! Just change the 'w' of Lowi into the letter 'r' and you'll get the right guess for my name!" She said smiling.

I was trying to think of what the tall girl is saying, I know I am not as smart as Albert Einstein or as fast as a cheetah but I know I can think good.Then. Realization hit me which I facepalmed for myself. Ofcourse, her name is Lori!

"Sorry for not guessing your name right Lori..." I frowned
"Nahhh... Its okay, you literally tried your best!" Lori happily said
"Well I need to go now.... See you later Lori!" I said with joy filling me up again.
"Okay! See ya!" The both said to me while waving their hands at me.

I left the room and I smiled. Its good to know again the House and my sisters!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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