Chapter 3

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Lincoln's POV

I walked into another room again which I knocked at it. I felt a breeze on my back but I didn't bothered it much. I was hoping this was just a nightmare, I, inside a big crappy house, which I don't know, who I am living with! I set aside my wild and unsettled thoughts. A brown haired brunette opened the door, she is looking pale and very bored, she's like she haven't done anything in her life.

Because of her shock on seeing me, she tried to punch me for real. But she was stopped by a dark goth girl with curtain like bangs to cover her eyes.

The brown haired brunette growled back, "Who are you? What are you doing infront of our door?" She said in a very deep and angry voice, she was still in the other girl's grip.
"I, uhhhh, uhmmmm.... Who are you too?" I said in a confused look. Why am I forgetting people now???
"Lynn!" The other girl snapped back! Who assume to be, Lynn did some moves to escape the other girl's grip. She growled a little and she went to her typical bed.
"I am so sorry brother, my name is Lucy if you are forgetting some things." Lucy said
"Oh I am Lincoln, I am sure we have known each other for a long time... Weird right?" I weirdly smiled back.
"Yeaaaaaah....." Lucy nervously smiled back.
"Why are you so black and goth-y?" I shotted a question at her...
"I have no idea" Lucy said with a blank on her face.
"You may wanna leave now, before Lynn here attempts to torture you again.." Lucy said with a neutral expression.
"Okay, I will go now, plus you're weird" I weirdly said it.
"Non taken" Lucy said

She gently closed the door infront of me, and I walked off... Then I saw an orange light just above me, passing through my body, I ran away because I swear, i saw this! I freaked out and went infront of the door, before this light passed me, someone grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me into her room.

It was dark and gloomy, I can't see anything than darkness. I shivered in great fear while pearl of sweat drips down on my skin.

"W-who are you?!" I nervously asked.
"Oh don't fear dear brother." She opened the lights to reveal a toddler with huge round glasses. The little girl went on. "May I know your name? I can't seem to remember it..." She said while looking down with a sad face worn on her.

"OH! I am Lincoln! And you are?" I asked her gently.
"Oh my name is Lisa Loud dear sibling!" She happily said! "Oh, would you care to see our youngest sibling? Lily? She is in deep slumber so she wouldn't disturb you at all! Lisa immediately backed up her answer.

I nodded my head which Lisa turned her smile into the brightest smile I could ever see.

I saw in the crib a cute little bundle of endless joy! Cuteness that is packed into many forms! But I am definitely sure that there is somehing missing here...

"Lisa?" I asked

She turned her head a little to see me a bit worried and concerned.

"Yes, brother?" Lisa curiously asked.
"Does Lily like teddy bears?" I silently asked. Her biggest smiles became a frown which she was ceratinly worried about something.
"Apparently not" She finally answered. "You must go before she starts her crying which damages my cochlea and my ear drum!" She broke the good conversation and she was begging me to go. I followed and went out.

I went on the next door when suddenly a pale looking girl with a grey dress bumped into me.

"A-are you o-okay?--- Wait, Lola?" I nervously asked. Forbthe first time and forever, I remembered someone who  is one of my sisters!

"Yes?" She asked even her voice match her paleness! Then she went on. "What do you want Lincoln?" She asked.

It was the first time and forever that some of us remembered each other.

I smiled at her which she noticed but she didn't have any emotions partnered with it. "Nothing! I am just saying hello to you but you bumped with me." I said innocently, she didn't mind and went downstairs.

I went on the last door.

"Here goes nothing!"

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