Part 2

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Devil comes always in disguises. That is how she felt when she met Nikhil 2 days ago. Nikhil is transferred to the place where she is residing currently.And they turned out as enemies in mere seconds.She was baffled by his audacity.Agreed, she is not a government official. But she was authorised by the Head of that town. He is ready to go against the Head. And He just did. She was roaming with her head high,but the authority which is head of the town turned out to be his puppet.She is not sure of what he told him, that she was asked to withdraw from the project.She is furiated is a small word to describe. What the hell is happening? She is not a toy to be replaced and she needs a valid reason for her replacement. Damn, she is Senior Research Analyst.A renown one in that.How dare they treat her like this?

Mridhu was tired arguing with him. Why can't he let her(Nikki) work? She had asked Sorry on her behalf.And had promised that she will ask Nikki to apologise to. She tried hardly to convince Nikki is needed. Why can't he understand?

Can't he see how helpful she has been in the past days? When Nikki arrived here, the unknown-unnamed disease has spread over half of the animals. The People got worried over sickening of their pets all of a sudden. It is not a mere viral function. It turned to be cancer of the animal clan. It drunk lives of those poor pure livings,torturing their appetite,riping their body, and baring their soul.There was this cute goat,her favorite, Namkin.She was such a free spirit. Her soft fur, her movements,her eyes everything was adorable. To Mridhu, it had been a friend. She lost it in a second. Just like that.She was gone.Her body was cremated. As they were not sure of the reason of her death yet,they felt it would stop virus feeding into others.What sickened Mridhu was the people who were the caretakers of Namkin, was sad over the fact that they could not have its meat atleast. Seriously, meat. It is just a flesh. What kind of morons are they? She felt immense anger on them. Such people are the reason for the nation's condition today. Self-centered bastards.But that put one thing off the hook, whatsoever happening with the animals is not for the flesh of them. It is happening for more than these things they could get easily. What is it?She cannot comprehend. But Nikki could. She would find it out soon. She has been seriously into this from the day she has step her feet on Uraimegh.Only if Nikhil understand this.He cannot take chances with anything, given the situation is so grave.More animals are being admitted. They are trying their level best to treat them. Many people have abandoned their pets. And wild animals have become cranky and are disturbing people. All these could be put to a stop only if Nikki is here. And she will make sure she stays here.By hook or crook.

Nikki felt relief on hearing Mridhu defending her. She atleast have Mridhu on her side.Screw that Nikhil and his audacity.

She will not take his insults anymore she decided and packed to leave.On knowing her thoughts ,Mridhu thought to herself.

"Best of luck Nikki"

Best of luck NikkiWhere stories live. Discover now