Part 3

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Nikki sighed and sat in the sofa. The rain has not slowed down at all. It has been the same for past two days. She is in the room, thankfully chances of flood arr increasing and she has things stocked up here. Mridhu has offered to stay here,which she took lightly. Moreover she would leave soon,when the rains stop, so this would be a perfect chance to spend time with her,she thought.

With clock rocking away, breeze hitting hard on her face, she stood from the sofa to close the windows. She took baby steps ,reciting her favorite lyrics, she sincerely tried to lock the doors,until she saw that.

That overly horrible thing which has been torturing her. She thought it appears only on dreams. What is that doing here? Well, should she fear for that? Who said she is not? Some other part of her brain questioned!.

So, that was real. All of that was real,isn't it?.

Why? Her mind screamed. She took two steps back from the window and slumped into sofa.Her mind on resume mode. She felt nothing except fear. Her hands were shaking . She couldn't believe her eyes. This must be a dream, she will soon wake up!. She chanted to herself. This can't be happening with her. There is no such thing as ghost. This must be someone playing prank on me,she thought.

Who it could be?

Nikhil. He must have. He would be the one. He hates me right. He wants me to go away na. He would be the one.

Door bell rang,that caught her attention. May be Mridhu is here. What should she do? Is it really Mridhu? What if it is not Mridhu?

What if it's that thing?.
It's not any thing Niks, its Nikhil who is fooling you around. She boosted herself .

May be whoever it is. She will not fear. Courage is the key.

She took small steps, wiping off the sweat from her face. She opened the door to put shock all over her face. There stands none other than Nikhil .

Nikhil is here ,Nikki. She quickly dashed back to inside and saw through the window to see that say ," Best of luck Nikki" with a sick smile adorning its face kinda thing.It disappeared just like that. Like a bubble after riding to sky-high.

She was shocked and frustrated to the core.

Nikhil - Miss.Niharika, Are you okay?

He got his reply only through her hug. She hugged him tightly and after calming herself, she slapped him.

Nikhil is slapped by Nikki.
What do you think Nikhil would give in response ?
#Not edited.
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