Chapter Four

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So, today is the day you'll finally meet Jungkook! I have four outfits for you to choose from, leave a comment telling me which one you choose. I chose number one.. :)


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Chapter Four

Y/O - Your Order

Chapter Four

"Dad!" I call from the top step of our stairs, my hand gripping onto the railing whilst I wait impatiently. Soon, a muffled 'yes' travels back up to me. "Is this dinner formal or casual?"

"It's more smart casual?" He responds somewhat questionably, I cock my head to the side and puff my lips out in annoyance. The majority of the time you'd think he was my brother and not my dad, his answers are rarely certain. However, information that barely informed me of anything didn't get me in an utterly awful place. My chosen outfit now hugs my body confidently and I can't help but give a small smile in the mirror opposite me. I left my makeup, allowing this mornings application to remain on my face whilst also keeping my hair in its (curled/straight) form after a small ruffle with my fingertips. Who am I possibly trying to impress anyway?

"Are you ready?"

We're greeted by dim lighting and exotically appealing smells as we enter the bustling restaurant. It's beautifully decorated, colours splashing in almost every corner possible revealing its vibrant personality. Whilst admiring my surroundings, my dad's name is called my a man sat at a table of four seats. The chairs and table match perfectly, a satin brass defining it, a pop of colour in addition with a purple tablecloth sprawled out over the top. Both my father and I sit, all smiles, then the small talk between them begins for a while before we order and wait for his son to arrive as I presume. I shuffle about in my chair, uncomfortable not only from the cold metal pressed up against my legs but the air around us. Although, the room is full of positive chatter, without anyone to talk to myself it's a little awkward simply exchanging smiles with this man I only know the name of.

*"Hi! Sorry, I'm so late, the members called me with some questions about some arrangements." Says a boy, looking to be a little older than me, breathing out whilst taking a seat next to his father. I smile, watching his tired eyes dart around the room before halting when they meet mine. Weirdly, the uncomfortable and irritatingly awkward moment of unintentional eye contact doesn't feel at all like the expectation. Even with no knowledge of who he is, I somehow feel safe under his gaze. Sounds stupid, I know. They're bright and speak to me with only excitable energy whilst they glint under the lights set in the ceiling.

*"Shall we order?" Both of our parents ask, spinning around to face the both of us gazing at each other as if lost. We both clear our throats with a stifled giggled and nod our heads.

*"This is Jungkook." His father smiles as if he noticed our moment; I nod with a grin.

*"Hi," his glance falls back to me, a toothy grin in response. "I'm Y/N."

So far, the dinner has gone splendidly, so much better than I initially imagined. Anyone to know me well enough has the knowledge that my conversational skills and general social awkwardness are quite poor.

*"Earlier, I heard you mention about talking to another member, are you in a band or something?" I ask curiously, taking another bite of my food. Both Jungkook and I have been speaking whilst our parents talk about something entirely different.

*"Kind of," he explains. "It's more of a group rather than a band but there is seven of us and we're called BTS."

*"Sounds fun," I state, thinking back to when Emily and I began a duo group and at the time we thought we were better than any professional out there. Whereas, truthfully, we couldn't be further from anything resembling talent.

A short while later, our meal comes to an end and we say our goodbyes before we disappear into different directions and make our way home. Jungkook: possibly the nicest guy I've ever met.

I apologise for the lack of quality in this chapter and the shortness of it too. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed it! 


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