No She's Psyco

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Katy walled back into Destiny's room and silently sat down, cross-legged, opposite her on the bed. Destiny winced as she did so, but apart from that didn't acknowledge Katy's existence.

"Hey, Destiny..." Katy said softly. "How are you feeling?" Destiny didn't answer, not even seeming to hear her. "Destiny? Are you okay?" Katy tried again still not getting a response. Then she gently shook Destiny's arm. "Destiny!"

"What?" Destiny's head shot up in surprise.

"Couldn't you hear my talking to you?" Katy cried in exasperation.

"Me?" Destiny asked and shook her head. "No. I don't know you. You were talking to someone else."

"No I wasn't, you do know me! Please remember!" Katy begged, forcing back more tears. Destiny thought for a moment.

"You hugged me," she answered bluntly. "I liked the pretty voice. It stopped when I got too close. I scared the pretty voice away. Then you hugged me." Destiny explained, her voice in the same blank, emotionless tone. It took Katy a while to realize what Destiny meant. She meant her singing! That's why she had cone out, because she liked Katy's singing. "There were other voices," Destiny continued. "I liked a few of them. There was one voice I liked, but the voice was sad. Once it stopped, the pretty voice started. I liked that voice best. But I scared it away. I got too close and it left." A hint of the old, scared Destiny began to break through as she said that. The Destiny that always blamed herself for everything and got scared at the thought of being left.

"No Sweetie," Katy soothed. "You didn't scare the pretty voice away. It will come back whenever you need it." Destiny didn't answer, like she was starting to slip away again. This made panic invade Katy again. "Destiny?" She asked quickly, not getting an answer. "What's your name?" As she asked the question, she nudged Destiny to show her who the question was aimed at.

"I don't know," Destiny said. "I can't remember anymore." Katy tried to hide her sorrow at this and forced herself to smile.

"You're name's Destiny," she said brightly.

"You're not very good at that," Destiny said.

"Not good at what, Sweetie?" Katy asked in confusion. This time Destiny didn't answer. Katy poked her in the arm again to get her attention.

"Me?" Destiny asked, sounding surprised.

"You," Katy confirmed with a nod. "Who else could it be?"

"You said Sweetie," Destiny pointed out. Realization crept onto Katy's face.

"Oh," she cried. "I always call people Sweetie, it's just something nice to call people."

"It's a term of endearment..." Destiny mumbled subconsciously, correcting Katy. Katy stared at her in amazement.

"That's right," she said happily. Destiny gave her a strange glance, and carried on playing with her long fingernails. "What you said," Katy persisted. "It was right!"

"I didn't say anything," Destiny said in the same voice as always. This merely added to Katy's confusion.

"When you said I'm 'not very good at that', what did you mean?" Katy asked again, deciding that it was best to change the subject.

"Fake smiling," Destiny answered. "I can tell you weren't really smiling." Katy signed and looked down, not knowing how to react to that. Of course, Destiny was right. Of course, she couldn't really smile. How could anyone in her current situation?

It was at that moment that Dr Matthews came back with Destiny's discharge papers.

"You may take Destiny home now," he told Katy. "Try and surround her with familiar people and things. It should help to jog her memory. Katy simply nodded and signed all the papers. "Goodbye, Destiny. I hope you're feeling better soon," he told her politely and tapped her so she knew he was speaking to her.

"Thank you," Destiny replied. She didn't move though, not having any idea what was going on.

"Destiny? Come on," Katy called out to her. Destiny looked up and followed her, muttering her name over and over again as she tried to get it stuck in her head.

Once they were back to everyone else, Demi flung herself at her. Destiny flinched back and tried to escape Demi's bear-like embrace.

"Destiny! Thank God you're okay! I was worried sick! Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you! I promise, I'll KILL them!" Demi rambled on, not noticing that Destiny was trying to get away from her.

"Demi!" Katy snapped sharply, causing everyone to fall silent. When Katy next spoke, her voice was low and defeated. "Let go..." Demi obliged and released a now shaking Destiny. That was when the most horrible, gut-wrenching noise filled the air. People covered their ears and gripped one another.

"WHAT IS THAT?" Cher managed to yell above the noise.

"DESTINY!" Perrie shouted loudly, forcing her eyes open and then pointed in Destiny's direction. "LOOK, IT'S DESTINY!"

"KATY!" Angela cried and sprinted over to her sister. "QUICK! SHUT HER UP!" Katy nodded and quickly spun Destiny around, gripping her by the shoulders.

"BREATH SWEETIE," she cried above the screams. "PLEASE!" But Destiny would not stop. In the end, Katy scooped her up and carried her back to the car. Carrying her only made Destiny more frantic, but it was the only way to get her out. Soon Katy, Destiny, Angela, and Shannon were all on their way back to Destiny's house.

"That was my fault," Demi whispered to the remaining people. Tears streamed down her face as Selena pulled her into a hug.

"No, it wasn't..." She soothed gently.

"Of course it wasn't," added Harry Styles lazily. He was standing just behind with the reset of his band-mates, from One Direction. "She's psycho!"

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