Chapter 8

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"Raicho, as per the contract you and your parents signed, you will be unable to take the Chunin Exams," Iruka Sensei announced.

Days before the Chunin Exams, Kakashi Sensei had handed out three applicant forms for Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto. Raicho had to go see Iruka Sensei and Lord Third, because remember, the Chunin Exams do not allow a team of four to participate.

While Raicho was on the waiting list for a three-man Genin team, she did have another opportunities. She could temporarily join another team, usually one that need more manpower or request to be taken as an apprentice under various fields, such as medical, engineering, science, nursing, biochemistry, weaponry, intelligence, or hundreds of programs.

Raicho had applied for several apprentice programs under therapy, biochemistry, nursing, and intelligence. Now, Iruka Sensei would tell her which would accept her into their fields. Otherwise, she would have redo the entire application process all over again!

"Since your father is in both weaponry and intelligence, Yamanaka-san from intelligence wants to give you chance. However, Moki-san from the medical field, wants to give you an opportunity as well," Iruka Sensei exclaimed, pushing two forms towards his former student.

"So, I can decide which one I want to go in?" Raicho asked, looking up at him.

"That's right. Go ahead and take your time. If you are apply to therapy, you might want to decide at least a day or two before the Chunin Exams. The medical field could really use an extra pair of hands."

"How about the intelligence program?"

"Ah, same thing. Although it's a bit earlier than the medical. Any other questions?"

Raicho cocked her head to the side, cracking her neck absentmindedly. "It's a tough decision," she sighed, leaning back in the chair. "If it was nursing and therapy, I would do therapy instantly. But now, it's intelligence and therapy..."

"Take your time. Remember, you've got a couple of days before the deadlines. Talk it over with your mom and dad before coming to me."

"Okay, thanks, Iruka Sensei," Raicho said reluctantly. They stood and exchange paperwork swiftly over the desk.

"Fantastic! I'll be waiting for you reply then!" He smiled encouragingly at her before she left.

"Great, now what?" Raicho grumbled, stuffing the papers into her bag.

If she went into intelligence, she could get a better understanding of the human mind. She would, no doubt, see pretty ugly things, but she would learn and adapt. If she ever decided to transfer to therapy, she could understand a patient's emotional status better.

On the other hand, if she went into therapy first, she would be able to help patients and fulfill her goal. She wanted to help people, especially those suffering in mental disorders.

As she announced her arrival to her mother back at home, she wondered if there was a way she could accelerate the intelligence program. Or take at-home courses--

Raicho groaned loudly and banged her head against the nearest wall. "That doesn't--"


"I'm fine!" She yelled back at her mother from the kitchen. She ambled to her room and shut the door. She headed over instantly to the glass terrariums lined on her dusty bookshelf, opening the side glass door carefully.

"Come to mommy," she whispered, slipping two fingers under the thorax of a large tarantula. He shuffled awkwardly before relaxing into her hold, as her other hand gathered and supported three other legs.

Raicho cradled the spider in her hands, putting her face up close to Potato the Couch (it's pretty large and it's the most mild-hearted creature she has ever seen).

"What would you do?" She asked Potato the Couch. He lifted his two front legs in a rubbing motion, as if to imitate a devious plan.

"Nice try, Po-Couch."

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