Chapter 2

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 Skye woke up the next day to the smell of bacon. She went to the kitchen and saw Alfred serving Dick some.

            “Well look who’s up. I was getting ready to go wake you.” Alfred greeted.

            “Where’s my dad?” She yawned.

            “He left early to go to work. I wouldn’t expect to see him much even if you do live here now.” Dick mumbled around his piece of bacon.

            “That’s fine, I usually keep to myself anyway.”

            After breakfast Skye walked around the yard, it was Summer, the time she usually would go to the beach with her mom, there was a run down garden so she went in there to explore. After a few minutes of looking around the weed-filled garden she got bored and started to leave but tripped over a broken statue and landed on some rotting boards. They creaked as she landed on them, and snapped when she tried to get up, Skye fell down the well until she hit a rocky bottom. Skye coughed and groggily sat up; she looked towards the top of the well and realized she wouldn’t be able to get out on her own.

            Glancing around for another way out, she found a narrow opening and limped over to it. She dragged herself through the small opening and felt rocks scrape up her arms; her first day here and she was already hurt, figures, she thought. Skye looked around and saw a tank like car and other high-tech equipment.

            “What is this place?” She whispered to herself.

            She used the wall for support as she looked around, there was a motorcycle and more computers, in another corner was a black suit with bat shaped weapons and in a case beside it was a black and red suit with similar weapons but they weren’t exactly shaped like bats. Skye continued to look around for a way out and found a waterfall, or rather heard it and followed the sound of water, she tried to see what was on the other side but heard something drop to the ground behind her. She turned around and was faced with an empty cave, she started to panic, she knew something was in here but it was hiding.

             “Who’s there?” She cried out.

            “I could ask you the same thing.” A gruff voice replied from behind her.

            Skye whirled around and saw a man dressed in all black with a bat symbol on his chest; he had a stern look on his face and walked towards her soundlessly.

            “Where am I?”

            “My cave. How did you find it?” The man demanded.

            “I fell! And if you’ve been here this whole time you should’ve noticed!” Skye snapped. “You know it’s not nice to sneak up on people!”

            “You fell in here uninvited, I was merely waiting to see if you were a threat.”

            “Of course someone who falls down a well is going to be a threat.” She replied sarcastically.

            The man smirked and sprayed something in her face, Skye felt tired and he caught her before she passed out. He took her out of the cave and into her room at Wayne Manor then took off his suit and went to find Alfred.

            “We need to fix that up properly.” Bruce said pointing to the well in the garden. “Skye found the cave today, I can’t risk dragging her into the mess I deal with.”

            “We deal with.” Dick corrected as he walked up to them. “And why not let her join? You let me.”

            “We are not having this discussion! Go find a phone and call a cement company.”

            Dick rolled his eyes and left.

            “Shall I go check on Skye to see if she’s awake yet?” Alfred asked.

            “No, she won’t wake up for another half hour. But she does have a sprained ankle so you might want to patch that up before she wakes up.”

            “Right away Master Bruce.” 

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