Chapter 10

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Skye started to panic again but then relaxed, Riddler had told her to pick a door to begin a challenge, so she just wouldn’t pick a door. Then she wouldn’t have to do anything. She smirked and leaned against the wall for a few moments before an electric shock went through her.

            “Ow!” Skye yelped and jumped up.

            “If you don’t pick a door I’ll shock you again.” Riddler’s voice said over a speaker.

            Skye scanned the doors, they all looked the same; slowly she walked over to the nearest one. Before she could open it the door opened and Riddler stood in the doorway.

            “Now, the challenge. Your car breaks down in front of a mansion during a bad storm. You go inside and find the powers out, you also see three doors: a blue door, a yellow door, and a red door. Which door do you go through?”

            “Uh… blue?” Skye looked at him and thought she saw Riddler’s form flicker.

            “You go through that door and come to three more doors: a metal door, a wood door, and a glass door. Now which one?”


            “You once again find three more doors: a plain door, a fancy door, and an average door. You know what to do?”

            “Pick a door…” Skye muttered and backed up before receiving a shock. “The average door.”

            Riddler nodded. “And now you come to the last three doors. One holds a killer, another one holds a bomb, and the third has electrical wires that will shock you to death. Turn around and choose.”

            Skye was wary of turning her back on him but turned around and saw three doors that she was sure weren’t there a few minutes ago. They were all outlined with a different color light but otherwise were identical. “Where did they-”

            “No questions! Now solve the challenge.” Skye turned around to glare at him but saw Riddler wasn’t there.


            “I will find Crane to give you more fear toxin.”

            Skye went silent after that and looked at the doors in front of her, none of them sounded like something she’d live through but didn’t Riddler tell her something about the ‘house’ she was supposed to be in? She thought about it for a moment before Riddler got bored and shocked her again, then it came to her, the power in the house was off so that would mean door three. Skye walked over to door three and went to open it but the lights flickered off except for a set of question marks on the floor.

            “Well done. You solved it, though anyone with a single brain cell should’ve gotten that one.”

            She felt him blindfold her again and she was led back out of the room. “Where are we going?”

            “Time for you to feed Ivy’s plants… and most of them are carniverious.” Riddler laughed slightly before bringing her to a halt.

            “I hope she doesn’t kill my plants.” A lady’s voice whined. “Of course then Catwomen will have to let my plants kill her…”

            “But what will the cat do to you?” Riddler questioned before walking off.

            Skye was led into a humid room and heard another door lock. Poison Ivy too off the blindfold and glared at her. “The food is over there. If I see you trying to hurt my babies I’ll personally make some poisonous vines choke you to death.”

            “Fun.” Skye muttered to herself before walking through the jungle-like room to a bucket of raw, ground up meat. “Gross.”

            Poison Ivy glanced at her from where she was petting a Venus flytrap. “Oh and don’t take too long. My babies don’t like to be kept waiting, they might just decide to have you for lunch.”

            “I think someone mentioned something similar to that.” Skye’s voice quivered and she flinched as a plant that was half snake turned to face her. That isn’t a plant! That’s an abomination!  

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