Chapter 11

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Skye had managed to escape Ivy’s room when Catwoman came in and saw her arm bleeding heavily from where one of the plant’s had bitten it. She didn’t know what it was about Catwoman but she seemed familiar to Skye, she was always there to keep the other lunatics from hurting her too much and her voice… Skye just couldn’t place it. They had locked her back up in her ‘room’ until what she guessed was noon considering the sun was high in the sky. She didn’t sleep well in that short break but was instantly awake again as they took her to Joker so he could use her for target practice.

            “Don’t be so tense. If I wanted to use a real target board I would have.” Joker mocked her while laughing like the maniac he was.

            Skye flung herself to the left and a knife went by her head, she glared at him but was shaking to much for Joker to even take her anger seriously, though she wasn’t sure if he took anything seriously.

            “You need help J?” Harley asked as she walked over to him. “I could chase her around and try to whack her in the head.”

            Skye backed up when Harley swung her hammer to emphasize her point. Joker laughed but shook his head. “I think I can handle this. You can play with our guest later.”

            “Uh… How about I not ‘play’ with Harley… and I go home?” Skye suggested quietly.

            “Not possible! Although Nigma is creating a riddle to let Batman and Little Birdie know we have you.” Harley smiled. “Then when he comes to save you we can kill him!”

            She ran off and Joker took out another knife. “She makes it sound like a job… but really it will be much more fun than that! I can’t give too much of the surprise away but it does involve you helping us attract the heroes… I will tell you however that you’ll get to show off some new scars.”

            Skye yelped and dived to the ground, the knife skimmed her back and clanged against the cement wall behind her. She scrambled to her feet and joker picked up his first knife and walked over before pinning her to the wall by her throat.

            “Thought… this was… target practice.” Skye choked out.

            “My time’s almost up and I still need to tell you how I got my scars.” Joker tightened his grip as she struggled. “You see my brother was the happiest person in the world. His friends would always come over and when they saw me they would ask: Why so serious? Eventually I got tired of them mocking me and took a knife, like this one, and cut a smile onto my face. The next time my brothers came over I walked right up to them and showed off my smile… then I gave them smiles of their own with the same knife. Unfortunately the happiness must have killed them. But that’s the past!”

            Joker slashed his knife across her face and blood began to drip into her eye, Skye let out a whimper before being cut on the side, finally Joker slammed her head into the wall causing black to flicker across Skye’s vision before going black completely.

            “I told you not to hurt her too badly.” Crane sighed as he walked into the room.

            “I got caught up in the fun.” Joker shrugged.

            “Remember if you mess this up it’s all on you. You’re the one the boss hired not us.”

            “Whatever just get her bandaged up and ready to go.”

            Skye regained consciousness and gasped in pain as she felt a needle going into her side. She tried to get up but was immediately restrained by Two-face and Harley.

            “You might want to hurry up Jonathan!” Two-face growled.

            “I’m almost done, Harley why weren’t you there to stop him from cutting so deep?”

            “Mista’ J said I didn’t need to help him.”

            A new set of footsteps came into the room and Skye flinched when Catwoman let out a shriek of rage. “What happened to not hurting Skye?”

            “Joker.” The others replied in unison.

            “I’m going to strangle that clown!”

            Skye let out a light raspy laugh despite her situation. “More like he would stab you…”

            “Leave now so I can finish the stitches. Go get the suit.” Crane ordered.

            “Right away Nightmare King.” She rolled her eyes before glaring at Harley and leaving again.

            “What do you mean suit?” Skye’s breathing picked up as she thought of way they could torture her that would require a suit. “What are you going to do to me?”

            “Shut up or I’ll knock you out!” Two-face snapped.

            After that Skye went quiet, she clenched her teeth to avoid letting out any sign of pain. Blood was rolling down her side and she could feel dried blood on her back, not comfortable or helping her forget how much she wanted to be anywhere but there. She didn’t know when but eventually she passed out again while Scarecrow started putting a bandage on the cut above her eye. 

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