Chapter 5

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Skye woke up to her alarm going off, she groaned and turned it off before sitting up and going over to her closet, she found a gray t-shirt with black ribs and crows on it before getting some jeans and black combat boots. She walked down to the kitchen and saw Alfred making waffles while Dick was eating a plateful of them that were already done.

            “I hope you left some for me.” Skye told him.

            Alfred laughed. “Don’t worry I wouldn’t let master Dick eat all of them.”

            Skye sat down as another plate was put in front of her; she put syrup on them and began eating them happily while Alfred kept cooking the rest of the batter. “These are so good!”

            “Well of course they are, Alfred made them.” Bruce told her as he walked into the kitchen.

            “Bruce you’re not at work!”

            Skye hugged him and Bruce glanced over at Dick. “No I wanted to see you before your first day of school.”

            Dick put their dishes in the sink and walked over. “That reminds me, we didn’t get the self-defense lessons in yesterday. Come on I’ll take you to the gym room.”

            “I can’t train in this outfit! It’ll get sweaty.”

            “Look I’m just showing you some moves and you’re going to copy them.” He started laughing. “Besides I don’t think any criminal would stop trying to kill you or something if you shouted you couldn’t fight in your outfit.”

            Skye punched him in the shoulder and he winced. “Bring it on then!”

            “Don’t forget to look at the clock you two!” Bruce called after them before hearing the doorbell ring.

            “I’ll get that sir.” Alfred assured him.

            Dick showed Skye some basic punches and kicks, she already had the power to hurt you so making her workout wasn’t an issue, what was however, was getting her to do the moves right.

            “No if you punch someone like that you’ll break your hand.” Dick told her.

            “I punched you like that.”

            “That doesn’t mean you can keep punching people like that.”

            Skye muttered something under her breath before punching the target again, the timer went off and she ran off to get her backpack before Dick could make her do anything else. When she was running past the front door though she saw Bruce talking to someone and stopped, Dick ran into her and they both ended up on the floor.

            “Why did you stop like that?” He grumbled and picked himself up.

            “Sorry. Who’s that?”

            Dick looked over and tensed up. “That’s Selina Kyle also known as Ca- I mean Bruce’s girlfriend.”

            Bruce looked over as they came closer. “Skye, Dick, isn’t it time for you to leave?”

            “I have to get my keys.” Skye replied.

            “I could take them to school.” Selina offered. “It’s really no problem. Besides I want to get to know your daughter.”

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