Chapter 2

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Back at Ross' table, they were all chatting except Ross, who remained quiet throughout dinner. He spoke once, twice, maybe even three times. His mother asked "Ross you're quiet today. Is everything ok?" He mentioned that he had seen a girl and he couldn't stop thinking about her. His mom said, " what did she look like?" She was pretty but original. Not like Courtney. 

Brianna's Pos

Brianna and Mackenzie walked in and told Autumn and Clara- Ann that they had gotten a phone call. Mackenzie and Brianna were moving to LA  leaving  Autumn and Clara- Ann in North Carolina.  They would try and stay in touch. Mackenzie and Brianna left early to go and pack for the flight that would leave at 7 in the morning. Brianna and Mackenzie texted back in fourth.  Brianna and Mackenzie would be enrolling at UCLA for school that year. 

Brianna - I can't believe we have to get up at 5 in the morning. I am not going to survive the day. I will be living off coffee tomorrow.

Mackenzie- LOL I will be too. Can't the flight be at like 10 or 11 in the morning? It takes a girl a while to look this hot.

Brianna- You got that right! I talk to you in the morning. 

Mackenzie- KK

The next morning the room was filled with groans and moans. Brianna's alarm clock had gone which meant she needs to call Mackenzie for her wake up call.  Mackenzie answered and said I'm up. They talked for about an hour before Autumn and Clara- Ann started a group facetime. They all chatted then hung up. Autumn and Clara- Ann met them at the airport and said goodbye. The girls had no idea how quickly their lives were about to change.

For the next thirty minutes, Mack and Bree talked and played on their phones. Once they arrived, they boarded and took off. Brianna noticed a familiar head full of blond hair that she assumed was Ross or Riker since they both bleached their hair. Mack had sat next to Rocky, but she hadn't realized it. Ross had not noticed Brianna on the plane at all until they arrived. The girls became friends with the Lynch's and hung out with them.

As the next few months went by NC was utterly forgotten.  The girls never spoke about their old friends and never talked to their old friends until a high school reunion forty years later. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. This story is just beginning. The girls days were filled with laughter and joy until Courtney walked in one day. She screamed at Brianna to back off Ross. To make matters worse, Ross wasn't even there. He was shooting a movie that day. Courtney pushed Brianna right as Ross walked making Brianna hit her head and go unconscious for a few minutes. Stormie and Mark yelled at Courtney to leave, and Ross defended her and left with her. Brianna had never felt so humiliated and angered. And at the same time so tired and nauseous.  They ran her to the hospital to make sure she wasn't bleeding in the brain or something. Everything was fine. Even though she was still nauseated, the pain in her head had begun to subside. She wanted to go home or spend the night with Rydel. She walked across the yard to her home and grabbed her things. She walked back across to spend the night with Rydel. Their houses were right next to each other which was great. Mackenzie lived on the other side of the Lynch's which was great as well. Life was perfect, so they thought.

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