Chapter 4

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The fight didn't end well but they did have fun. Ross chased Brianna around the kitchen with flour until Brianna slipped. 

Brianna- Ahh, Damn it, ouch '

Ross- Brianna!!!! Are you ok??? I didn't mean for you to fall. 

Brianna- I'm fine. I just want to get off the floor. 

Ross- Here. 

Brianna- Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh

Ross- Are you sure you're ok?

Brianna- I think so. ( She winces in pain as moves her arm)

Ross helps Brianna up but as soon as Brianna takes a step she goes right back down. Luckily Ross was there to catch her. Ow, she kept saying. I must have sprained it or it's broken. Ross looked at her ankle. He checked to see if it was broken. Thank God it wasn't, it was badly sprained and would need ice on it for a couple of hours so the swelling would go down.  

Two days later, Brianna gets up her arm is worse and she could barely move it. She gets up and gets her hair and make. up done. She puts on a pair of skinny jeans and dressy sleeveless top with wedges and a belt. She wears a mid stomach jean jacket and heads out the door. Brianna goes down the stairs and into the kitchen for breakfast. Finding Ross in the kitchen she goes to living room hoping to avoid why she has been distant. She grabs a pancake and goes to sit down. Only using her right arm to move the chair and her right arm to put the plate on the counter. Ross noticed this and became curious as to what was wrong with her arm. He was about to ask when Brianna abruptly said she needed to get going and that she had some errands to run. She made up the errors thing so she could go to the doctor.  She assumed that she had fractured a bone when she fell. She really wanted a doctors opinion before going to the hospital. About ten minutes later she arrived at the Doctors office or medical clinic. They pushed her into the list of appointments for that day. Ten minutes later she was called in and examined. Then the doctor told the nurse what to order. Then he explained what they were going to do. 

Doctor- We are going to run an X-Ray

Brianna- OK

Brianna came out from the X-ray and waited for the doctor to bring the results. The doctor knocks on the door and is allowed in the room. 

Doctor- Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Brianna- Bad news

Doctor- You're a brave one. The bad news is that your arm is fractured and will need to be on a stent for a month or so. The good news is it will heal and there will be no need for surgery. We will have to put a cast on but you will be fine.

Brianna- Thank God that all it is. 

The nurse came in and put splints in and then put her cast on and said she was good to go. She told her not to worry about the expense it was on them. She told them, thank you and headed home for lunch, a nap, and possibly a movie. Brianna drove home with a cast on her arm. She was going to try and hide it under her baggy sweater but the sweater wasn't quite baggy enough. You could tell there was something thick under the sleeve of the sweater. About ten minutes later she arrived home and found Ross sitting on the steps waiting for her return.  He asked where she had been. She told him she wanted to take a drive. Hoping to keep the conversation going about something else so she could avoid the explanation of the cast on her arm. Ross notices her arm was bulging from her sweater. He walked up and touched her arm. She winced in pain as he touched. Realizing it was hurting her he let go and apologized. 

Ross- Where were you really?

Brianna- Fine, I was at the doctor's office.

Ross- Why did you lie to me?

Brianna- Because I didn't want you to be concerned about me or more likely worried. 

Ross- Well I am worried. What happened to your arm.

Brianna- You happened to my arm. When I fell a couple of days ago from baking cookies. I injured my arm. I thought it was nothing but the pain wasn't going away. I figured I better get the doctor to look at it. Which he did, He said it was fractured and would have to be in a cast for a month or so. I am fine. I just want to go inside, eat, take a nap, and watch a movie. 

Ross- I had noticed that you hadn't been using your arm but I didn't think you had hurt it that bad. I love you and never want to see the pain in those beautiful big blue eyes.

Brianna- Did you just say you love me?

Ross- Yes, What do you think?

Brianna- I think, I love you too!!

Ross kisses Brianna.

Autumn and Mackenzie watched from the window as all of this played out. Aww, Mackenzie says. They are so adorable Autumn says. Mackenzies says I better go get ready for my date with Ryland. Mackenzie goes to her room and gets her hair and makeup done. Then gets dressed in a cute skirt with a top and belt and wedges. Autumn had a date with Rocky so she went and got ready for that. Rydel had a date with Ellington. Riker had a date and was getting ready. Everyone had a date that night. Ross' parents even had a date. Brianna and Ross had to be the weird ones. They stayed home and ate pizza while watching Romeo and Juliet. They cried like babies during it. When Autumn and Mackenzie arrived home Ross was helping Brianna study for her History and American Literature tests.

 Brianna and Mackenzie were in their first year of college and still going strong. Autumn had decided to take a year off and go on tour with Rocky. Brianna was really excited about the tour because she would get to go on it. Each student at school would be able to pick something they wanted to and write about it. They do whatever it was even if it meant going to the beach for a month or something. Brianna and Mackenzie had picked to go on tour with R5 and have the time of their lives. They couldn't wait. Little did they know that life would take them elsewhere. 

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