[2] - He is Aaron Archard

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Aaron's POV


I walk through the hall like any average student would; not timidly, but not making too much noise.

However, I seem to be treated differently than all the other people doing the exact same thing. People split in the hallway, just for me to pass through without bumping into anyone.

So many of them are looking at me way too expectantly. It's like they want a prize for their usual ritual in the hall.

Of course, they would want a prize!

They only did extravagant things like the occurrence in the hall when they want something from me.

They are all very selfish.


I was walking down the hall again, but this time, instead of people silently moving out of the way, some random guys were around the place yelling at other people to move.

As I was about to protest them, my voice is cut by the vibration of my phone, signaling that I received a message.

Mom: Hello sweetie! How is your day so far?

Aaron: It's going fine Mom, thank you.

Aaron: Is something wrong? You don't normally text me during school.

Mom: Everything is fine sweetie! No need to worry! I just needed a little break from work.

I released a breath I didn't know was captive and continued typing.

Aaron: That's a relief, I was worried for a second.

Aaron: Well... because today is a special day, can we go out to eat? If not, then what are we having to eat?

Mom: Oh. I'm sorry sweetie. I can't make it tonight, I have a big photoshoot. Ask your father.

She always has a photoshoot.

Aaron: OK, I'll make sure to talk to him.

Aaron: Love you Mom.

Mom: I love you too, Aaron! ;)

She never can make it. She probably doesn't even remember why we are having a special dinner in the first place.

Continuing to walk down the hallway without the prominent look of disappointment is probably one of the more difficult things I have had to do.

She had probably forgotten all about my first successful interview. To think, I did it for her.

Being honest, I couldn't care less for fame and rumors and attention. Both of my parents are in the spotlight though, and that means that I get dragged there too.

Luckily for me, I have learned to put on fake emotions and mask other ones.

I could probably become an actor with my skills. In all actuality, that is not a bad idea.

I start to think about it for a while before I came face to door with my fifth period classroom. I was by no means late, but I wasn't any happier than one can be at school.


Finally, I stepped out of the prison.

Oops! I meant school.

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