Chapter 25

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Colby's POV

"NO!" I yelled as she jumped. 

I jumped off the cliff to going after her. I saw her hit the water and then i did. I then saw her helpless body floating in the water. I grabbed her and swam as fast as i could to the nearest land patch.

I layed her down on the sand.

"Im so sorry i couldve did something." I cried.

I called 911 and then i ran away.

I ran to sam's house and layed in bed before he woke up.

I kissed his forehead softly. 

His eyes opened.

"Hai colby..." He said.

"Hey" I said kissing him.

"I thought we could go see someone..." I said.

"Oh who." He asked.

"Someone now get dressed baby." I said.

He stood up but then fell back down.

"Ouch." He said trying to get back up.

I chuckled as he struggled to get up.

"Um colby can you um help me." He turned red.

"Yes." I went over to his dresser and picked an outfit out for him.

i put the shirt over his head and then put some white skinneys on his legs with some pink boxers.

"Thank you." He said kissing my cheek.

"Ill just put you on my back all day." 

I picked him up and ran outside.

I saw brennen waiting by the swings.

"No why?!?!?" Sam panicked.


Sorry for the short chapter babes. <3


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