I Thought We Were Friends

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I thought we were friends
I thought we had a bond that would never end.
But it seems that I was wrong because all you did was pretend
Deep inside you had a evil motive
If I where you I would be scared to have me as an opponent.

I can never trust anyone again 
My self esteem devoured over the weekend
By someone I called a good friend
You placed me in a dangerous situation                                                                                          Why put me through so much tribulation?

What did I do wrong? Did I hurt you in any way?
It's like everything in my life has fallen in one day
I  was kind to you, but in return I received hate
I'm lost for words, a friend I would never betray
The pain of betrayal is like that of an internal burn.
It's hard to heal!
I will never make this mistake again surely I've learned

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