03| Ren Smith (1)

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ORIGIN: The 'Troublesome' series

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ORIGIN: The 'Troublesome' series


NAME: ren smith
AGE: 22
BIRTHDAY: 12th of November
NICKNAMES: renald, ron, rin
SEXUALITY: bisexual
STAR SIGN: scorpio
LIKES: food, alcohol, sleep and sarcasm
DISLIKES: rules, death and avocado
WEAKNESSES: selfishness, sociopathic tendencies and avocado
STRENGTHS: melee training, extensive knowledge and humour


HAIR COLOUR: dark brown
HEIGHT: 5"11
WEARS: black shirt, black camo trousers and boots with a camo jacket

Raen (Rae/Ren)
Renter (Ren/Carter)


Ren has a troubled past, especially once all of his people were slaughtered when he was out gathering things. Before, all he wanted was to be alone and then after all he wanted was company.

Ren figured that lying to Carter was the only way to lay the foundation of friendship with her since he thought she'd act negatively to his real past, so instead, he took the stories his late girlfriend used to tell him before she was murdered by her own group of Ark survivors and made them his own, pretending he was a techie from the Ark.


Ren is my boy, my love and everything in between. The thing I love about him most is his sense of humour in shitty situations and the deeper, more intense side that very few people have had he chance to see. Ren comes across cocky and full of smartass comments, but really he's just a lost boy who has everything to gain but nothing to lose.

He's inspired by Kai Parker (obviously) and my own boyfriend since I have an uncanny obsession with the both of them

He's inspired by Kai Parker (obviously) and my own boyfriend since I have an uncanny obsession with the both of them

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