Down The Train Tracks. ~Ch.2 ["I never had a choice."]

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“Listen, sweetheart, and listen very carefully.”

If I had any air in my body at the moment, I’d gasp at his strong, raspy voice. Although I could tell he was trying to be hushed and soft.  He had moved his head so that his mouth was right next to my ear. I could feel his warm breath brush against my neck and face. It gave me shivers.

“You and me are going to walk out of this bathroom hand-in-hand after I finish talking. You won’t look scared or worried; you won’t try and signal anyone, or try in any way to get help. You won’t let people know you’re in trouble. You’ll act normally. You’ll act as if you and I are a cute teenage couple, as if I’m your world and you’re mine. You won’t look at anyone, you won’t blink at anyone, and you won’t try and communicate with anyone in any way, shape, or form. You will do exactly what I say from here on in, or I promise you, darling, there will be consequences. Got it?”

I used up all the strength I could to nod my head slightly. He slowly released his grip from around my waist. He was hesitant about letting me free from being squashed between him and the wall, but eventually he let me stand on my own.

I could breathe. I put my left hand on the wall for balance, and let my right hand rest on my chest and I very shakily breathed in and out. It hurt. I was bent over a bit, my stance crooked.

He came up beside me after a second or two and I could feel him staring at me. Thankfully, he gave me a few seconds to regain my breath and pull myself together. After a while, I stood up straight. His glance was still fixed on me, but I still haven’t dared look at him. I just kept my eyes glued on the door ahead of me.

He grabbed my hand in his as we started walking; I immediately snatched it away from his violently. He was furious, I could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to do nothing but kill me right here, right now. But, he didn’t.

There goes the last of my luck. I thought to myself.

He was still a few steps in front of me, because once he held my hand, I refused to move my feet any further. He walked closer and closer very slowly, taking baby steps. The expression on his face was terrifying. Because he was in front of me and a few inches taller than I was; I could look at him and read his expression without having to look at him directly, if you get what I mean.

With every step he took going forwards, I took a step back to keep the distance between us limited. But, I realized that this wouldn’t work when I remembered we were in a bathroom and already had limited space.

I hit my head against one of the toilet doors that was locked for maintenance.  I’m screwed. I thought. Soon enough, his face was directly in front of mine. He didn’t touch me; he just bent his neck and crouched his back the slightest so that his face was right in front of mine.

I looked at my feet, still refusing to look at him. He started to whisper-yell at me.

“What did I just say?!” He scared me, that was for sure. But, who wouldn’t he scare? Even just by first glance, as you saw how gorgeously handsome he was, you’d immediately know he was trouble.

Don’t let him know you’re scared, that’ll just give him even more of an advantage. Just don’t let him know he’s scaring you. You’re not scared of him. You’re not scared. I comforted myself with lies.

“I don’t care what you just said! I’m not afraid of you! The worst you can do is kill me.” I looked up at him, so I could have a chance of convincing him that what I was saying was true. “I’m not afraid of you.

At this, his lips curved up into an evil grin, and he chuckled as if this was amusing him.

“Oh sweetheart, killing you would be easy. I can do so much worse.” Confusion fled my face as I took in what he had just said. “You know the park just a few blocks down?”

Down The Train Tracks *Jason McCann*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora