Down The Train Tracks. ~Ch.19 ["Your brown eyes are my blue skies."]

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“Do you love me?”

His steamy breath lightly caressed my cheek as he whispered softly, our hot skin almost touching as our faces lay inches away on separate pillows. My eyes found his; the honey brown ocean hypnotized me and held me in place.

“I love you,” I whispered.

 His eyes twitched, looking down at my lips for a brief moment until finding their way back to my eyes. His head moved in, slowly getting closer to my own, not too long after, I felt his lips lightly brush against mine.

His kiss was soft; loving, his hand moved from under the duvet, gently holding my cheek. His touch was passionate; put me at ease. It made me feel comfortable, and at home, it reassured me that everything will be okay, someday we’ll be fine. It spoke to me in the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard, there was no need for words because he had already told me, whether he knew it or not. I felt it and I knew everything was going to be okay. I’ll be fine, we will be fine.

I’ve never been touched so gently before in my life; his fingers softly lay on the smooth skin of my cheeks.

It felt like something was missing from my body as his lips departed, pulling away from mine. My eyes stayed closed, adjusting to the absence of his lips, I opened my eyes, and once again saw those mesmerizing eyes that made me feel like life was nothing but a long daydream.

I don’t understand how I can feel this way, I don’t think I ever will, but I know it’s real. I want to hate him, I want to hate him so badly, but I just can’t. No matter how hard I try, I can’t, and there’s no point in denying anything anymore.

“I love you, Melody,” his voice was soft and vulnerable.

Words never meant a thing to me before, but every word he spoke has so much meaning to me, his voice is what paints my world and colours my life. I’d be forever sentenced to a land of darkness without him. He is the artist that paints my universe.

Once more, we kissed. I didn’t see sparks, or hear fireworks, but I felt it. I felt love, I felt trust. I felt comfort, and ease. Everything I wanted to feel, I felt, and everything I wanted to be, I was. My life would be nothing; I would be nothing without him. Heaven would be Hell, and the touch of sunlight would feel ice cold on my skin, if Jason was no longer in my life.

Every time I hear his name, my stomach explodes and I feel the need to smile. Every time I see his face, I get this warm feeling inside and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life waking up to him by my side every single morning, until the day I die. And every time his eyes look into mine, I’m burned by the fire that lights up inside me.

I’ll protect him with my life, and give every piece of love I have to him. He owns my love, and banishes my hate. Sets ease to my worries, and happiness at its highest looks like sadness at its lowest compared to how I feel when I’m with him.

I’ve never welcomed love, but with Jason I had no choice; he was already a part of me, and I accept the fact that I need him. I love him, and I want to scream it from every mountain top in the world, because I want the whole planet to know how much he means to me.

My hand rose to meet the one he had on my cheek. I rested it on top of his, and intertwined our fingers, bringing them down to our sides, resting them on the mattress. His eyes looked into mine for what felt like forever, it felt like we were the only two people who existed at this point in time, and the rest of the world was frozen, or on pause, just so we could live this moment.

Jason slowly brought them up, and placed a light kiss on my hand. His lips lingered softly, his eyes closed. After the longest few seconds to ever exist, he pulled away, but kept my hand in his. I followed him as he stood out of the bed and walked out of the room, guiding me downstairs.

Down The Train Tracks *Jason McCann*Where stories live. Discover now