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"So, about Ken." Hyuk said quickly sliding in the other seat.

"He just called Leo and said that he's home. And that he's fine." Hyuk said as I let a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, I see you two." Hyuk smirked, pointed at us and drawing a heart in the air.

"You don't see anything." Taewon laughed. That's when I felt a pair of soft lips touch my left cheek.

"I will kill you!" I jokingly yelled as I lightly elbow her and start to tickle her.

"N! N!" Taewon quickly surrendered. "I'm sorry!" She continued to giggle.

I stopped tickling her and clutch my hands on her waist.

"Do you guys need a room?" Hyuk asked. "No, no... I'm fine just this guy to it to seriously." Taewon sat up and fixed her hair and her shirt.

"Love you." I winked and than started to laugh. "I've never seen you two act so... ro- loving." Hyuk stared.

"Why didn't you say romantic?" I asked.

"Its um... a word that Leo doesn t let me say." Hyuk sighed.

"What's wrong with it?" Taewon asked.

"I don't know, Leo never told me no matter how many times I ask." Hyuk ran his fingers through his hair again.

"Seems like you know something." Taewon interrogated.

"I-I don't." Hyuk answered.

"Come on, your secrets safe with us." I tagged along with Taewon's interrogation.

"Um... if you guys follow me." Hyuk said getting up.

"Can't you just tell us here?" I asked.

"Well...." He scanned the area for something or someone. "Leo, doesn't want me telling everyone." He whispered.

Taewon and I got up, following right behind Hyuk's tracks.

He led us outside and started to walk off to the side of the coffee shop.

"So, Leo has this girl he's been dating..." Hyuk sighed seeming cautious.

"Girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yea..." Hyuk replied.

"I never thought that Leo would have a girlfriend." Taewon smirked.

"Now, please don't tell Leo I said this to you guys. He'll cut my head off." Hyuk sighed.

"I won't." I promised.

"N bet me too it. But I'll won't tell either." Taewon winked.

"Thanks, now.... I'll get back to work." Hyuk said.

"But, if you guys are planning on a date let me help. Please." Hyuk begged.

"I'm not sure about the date, but you can help with other things." I sighed.

"But, date remember!" He yelled running back inside. 

Taewon sighed and so did I. She seems stressed. But over what? 

"Um... how about we cheek up on Ken?" Taewon asked. "Um.... sure. Why not since we're not doing anything." I smirked as I watched Taewon take out the keys of the car. 

"Your driving?" I asked. "Yea? What about it?" She asked. "You know where it is?" I asked. "Yup, or you want to drive?" She asked. "I'll drive." I smirked. "Alright then." 


"N!" Hongbin yelled trying to snatch his control back from me. "I'm just saying, N's shorter then you." Taewon noted. "Shut up noona!" Hongbin fired up. "Don't talk to noona like that!" I yelled saying noona weirdly, only cause I hate the fact that she's just a few days older then me. 

"N said noona!" Hongbin teased N. "Shut up!" I yelled. "Give me that!" Hongbin yelled. "Give me it." Taewon sighed in defeat and took the control from my hands. 

I looked over at Taewon she was admiring the controller. "Give me it." I said reaching out quickly and grabbing it. Taewon pulled it closer to her chest and looked up at me like I was crazy. 

"Give me it." I commanded Taewon. "Well, if you two are going to fight over it then, maybe I shouldn't give it back!!!" Taewon screamed, scaring both of us. I could feel that Hongbin was hiding behind me as I just tried make sure that Taewon didn't start swing. Taewon's face started to cool down as her red face started to turn back her normal color. 

"Sorry." Taewon hid her face and handed the controller back to Hongbin. "It's okay, you did the right thing." I confronted her and gave her a hug. She quietly hugged me back. The hug was cut short because Ken yelled,"N I need help!"

Taewon let go of the hug and smirked at me. I smirked back and reached down and grabbed her left wrist. I sighed and dragged her into Ken's room. 

Ken was sat down at the edge of the right side of his bed. It seemed like he was looking at something, maybe his arm. I let go of Taewon's wrist sadly and shut Ken's door. "So..... you need?" I asked siting down next to him, wrapping my arm around him. Ken quickly rolled his sleeve back up. Taewon sat down on the other side. 

"I'm sorry if I worried you." Ken mostly talking to me. "You did a little but at least your okay." I sighed then smirked. "Taewon?" Ken asked shifting gears and talking to Taewon. "Yea?" She asked seeming not to make eye contact with Ken. "If N get's killed will you take care of us?" Ken asked. "N's not going to get killed." Taewon sighed. "Well, there's this guy that is always coming over here, we know what his car looks like and recently he knocked on our door asking for you." Ken spoke. I'm scared now.

"I don't think he'll die." Taewon said. "I'm just worried. Like when we said the he's at work he demanded that we tell where and what for." Ken added. 

"If N does die, I'll take care of you guys." Taewon smirked. 

"Just, I'm worried." Ken said as he winced. 

"You okay?" I asked him. "Yea, why?" He asked. "You just jumped." I mumbled. "But, I want to show you guys something, the reason I call you over." Ken said. "Um... get going now." Taewon said getting up. She left the room and shut the door behind her. 

"N, please don't get mad with me." Ken said. "I'll try not to." I sighed. Ken quietly rolled up his sleeves. I saw cuts on his both of his wrists. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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