Chapter 5

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Alexander's POV
I was at the dinner table with Martha eating dinner, which was Chinese take out because Martha didn't feel like cooking tonight. When George came home. He was horrifically pale and look horrified. Martha glanced up at her husband in concern.
"Are you alright George?"
"Yes... just a hard day at work." He sighed exhaustedly.
"Oh? Um, how's that serial killer case?" Smooth Alex. Real smooth. George smiled slightly, obviously happy that his foster son was taking interest in his work. At least... I think that's why he's smiling..
"Well, as actually got an important lead today."
"Really? What was it?" I pressed, if this lead is any good John will be so excited! Maybe he might ask me out if it's really good. Okay wait, stop that. You just met him today, that's weird. Sure, he's hot, and seems genuinely nice and god he has the nicest hair! STOP. That is enough fantasizing about your friend you met today.
"It's very confidential so you have to promise not to tell anyone." George warned. Sh*t. That's okay. I, I can lie!
"Of course!"
"Okay, the lead told us that the killer attends YorkTown high. Don't worry though we don't know how truthful the lead is, they never told us their name." George sighed and began picking at his food. Holy. Sh*t. That is crazy. And kinda scary: of course a killer would be attending my school. Just my f*cking luck. With my luck one of my friends will end up being the killer. Okay actually that's a stupid theory. I can't be that unlucky.
"Woah... I hope you catch them." George smiled weakly at me.
"I do too son."

The next day at lunch to be exact John took me up to the roof where the whole gang eats lunch. Because of course they'd break the one rule of where you're allowed to eat lunch. I took in my friends, doing things of various concern. Angelica appeared to be checking her food for poison. Peggy was holding her glass eye and reenacting the Hamlet scene from when Hamlet was waxing poetic to a skull(ew ew ew oh my god that's so gross). Eliza was boredly using her lighter to burn a piece of paper. Hercules was knitting(okay at least one of them was doing something normal. And Lafayette. WHAT THE F*CK! Is that? Is Lafayette doing freaking heroine? At school???? Jesus Christ... Lafayette must have noticed my staring because they tugged the needle out of their arm and sighed.
"Yes mon ami, I do heroine, yes I know it's dangerous, yes I know it's illegal. No the others don't do it, the hardest thing they've taken is weed, well except for Peggy, they had cocaine once."
"It was pretty darn good too!" Peggy chirped pushing their glass eye back in (for the second time, ew ew ew gross). John rolled his eyes.
"Anyway. Alex you said you had something to tell us?" John sat down pulling me down with him.
"Right. Yeah. So you guys know how my foster father is working the Angel of Death case right? So last night he came home and I did a little snooping. He made me promise not to tell anyone so you guys can't tell a soul what I tell you here okay?" They all nodded.
"Okay good. The police got a lead that the killer attends YorkTown high." I say quietly just in case someone was ease dropping. Lafayette began nervously tugging at their hair, Angie stiffened and grimaced, Herc slowly put down his knitting needles and listened curiously, Eliza seemed shocked and stopped flicking her lighter on and off, and Peggy, well, Peggy seemed unfazed by this new information as if it was completely unimportant to literally everything. John was the only to speak.
"So you're telling me that, that son of a b*tch is walking around the school now?" John snarled looking about ready to strangle someone. I nodded solemnly.
"The good news is that the police are one step closer to finding the killer!" I replied optimistically. The others hummed in agreement, except for Angie who muttered something about corrupt government or something like that. God my friends are strange... maybe it's not to out of bounds to think maybe one of them is this crazy serial killer. Okay no, that's stupid, I can't possibly be that f*cking unlucky. I'm not Odysseus, I'm pretty goddamn sure I didn't blind some cyclops and pissed off the gods.(A/N: "real subtle, you're 'I'm reading the Odyssey in school right now' is showing." Hey! I've already read the Odyssey in my free time way before we started it in class, I just really like the book!). John gave me a small smile.
"In lighter news, do you have any lunch?" I smiled back and nodded pulling out a stuffed lunch box with a bunch of food Martha said was intrinsically important to my well being.
"My foster mom Martha practically packed all the food in the house for my lunch. She said I was too scrawny."
"I told you she wants to eat you!" Peggy claimed, which made everyone(even Angie!) to laugh. Okay so maybe my friends aren't serial killers.

A/N: ehhhhhh story progression! "Not really." Just give me this Clancy. "You can't even set a mood right! This feels more like a comedy than a horror!" Cut me some slack the only horror I've written were in one shot form, I'm not used to carrying a story! "Whatever."

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