Chapter 20

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Alex's POV
All bags packed. John's not back yet... I could run away. John would catch me. He knows everything. It wouldn't matter if sailed across the ocean to live in Paris. John would find me. Tears slipped down my cheek and I reached a hand up to touch the salt water. I didn't know I had any left.
"Alex!" I heard a voice whisper shout. Alex? I vaguely recall that as my past name.
"Alex! I swear to god!" This voice sounds agitated. It's not John. It's deeper. Same southern drawl though. It was familiar. Something was missing though. A cruel sneer. Jefferson.
"J-Jefferson?" I whispered looking around, and there picking in through a window was Thomas Jefferson dressed in all black almost fading into the dark night.
"Get over here I'm gonna get you out of here. The police are coming really soon."
"Why are you here?" I whispered anxiously I ran over to him and helped him through the window. I closed the shades and locked the windows and door.
"To save you idiot!" Thomas huffed.
"But why?"
"Because Lafayette asked me to. They don't trust the police to get you to safety." Thomas rolled his eyes.
"Laf? Th-their alive? I though my lord killed them..."
"Woah woah wait a second, my lord? The f*ck did Laurens do to you?" I glanced and the floor and shook my head.
"You need to leave now! If my lord catches you here he'll kill you!" I glanced at the door feeling my breathing pick up. He'll hurt me.
"Then we should get going!"
"N-no! I can't!"
"Why the hell not!"
"B-because! H-he loves me! An-and even if I do leave he'll find me! He'll be so mad that I left. Oh god oh god-"
"Alex calm down! John is gonna be arrested soon and he sure as hell doesn't love you!" I began crying.
"Sh*t... Alex listen I don't know what Laurens did to you but you gotta listen to me. You don't deserve any of this, and you have so much more life ahead of you. So get your a*s in gear and let's go!"
"No. Thomas. Look I'll be, I'll be okay, just leave before he comes back!"
"No I'm not leaving without you I promised Lafayette!"
"Thomas what don't you understand! He'll kill you! You have to leave now!" Alex tried to push me towards the open window.
"A little to late angel." Alex and I froze in our place. F*ck. Alex turned around and dropped to his knees.
"M-master please, I-I'm sorry, I-" he looked up at me.
"P-punish me instead of him! He- It's my fault he came here! Please let him go!" Alex begged staring up at John helplessly.
"It's very cute of you to protect this filth angel, but he doesn't deserve your pity." John snarled walking past Alex and towards me brandishing a knife. F*ck f*ck f*ck! I backed up and shaking.

Alex's POV
I stared at the ground tears running down my cheeks.
"I'll kill you first, then I'll kill Washington, then Lafayette, hell! I'll kill the Schuyler's and Mulligan! Anyone who gets in my way!" My lord snarled. I clenched my fist out of the corner of my eye I saw his pistol sitting on our luggage. It's easily in arms reached. I gingerly grab it and aim it at him. I pull the trigger.

Thomas' POV
A loud gun shot echoed through the air. John stopped walking blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth. His body crumpled to the ground, a bullet hole bleeding him dry from the back of his head. I looked past him and at Alex, he held a smoking pistol in his hands. He dropped and crawled over to John's body shaking him.
"Oh god oh god oh god. I-I'm so sorry, I thought- I didn't know it-" Alex began sobbing, I crouched down and pulled him into hug.
"Sh sh it's okay. It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. Sh sh." I cradled the small boy in my arms and rocked us back and forth. After a few hours the door was kicked down and police swarmed in.

A/N: almost over folks but not yet! I think I might do a sequel if y'all are interested.

Finite(I might change this title who knows)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat