Chapter 13

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Alex's POV
I woke up still sitting in front of the locked door. I stood up and sluggishly walked over to the bed. I sighed softly, that's when's I heard a tell tale click and the hooded figure carried in a tray of food, the same as last night(morning? Who knows.). The figure looked over at me, I felt my breath catch at the creepy white mask the figure wore. They gave a slight nod and swapped the old tray with the new one and began to leave. Absolutely not! I bolted past the figure knocking them over and running out. Idiot left the door open. That's when I heard a loud siren. God damnit. I kept running. I probably should of been paying attention to where I was going because I connected with another person causing me to fall backwards. They wore the same thing as the figure that brought me food but this one was shorter. I kicked at the figures legs and scrambled to stand up. The figure grabbed me and pressed an odd smelling rag to my face. I got extremely dizzy and heard a distinctly familiar voice whisper.
"Relax little thing, you'll be just fine." And slowly everything went black.

I woke up back in that terrible room and everything was locked again. I couldn't pick the goddamn lock without a fork. I curled back up into a ball on the floor. I want to go home.

"Hello?" I spoke softly, it feels like it's been days. They stopped feeding me so I lost my one way of marking the passage of time.
"Anyone?" The Angel of Death hasn't spoken to me either. I felt so alone. I missed John, and Lafayette and Hercules and Eliza and Peggy and even Angie. I miss the Washington's too.

Washington's POV
Six months. Alex has been missing for six months. Many of my coworkers have told me to give up, that even if I did find Alex he would be dead. I refuse to believe that and even if he is dead at the very least I can kill that psycho bastard that did this. I walked into the newest Angel of Death's crime scene. It wasn't anything different than usual, a mutilated corpse of a known businessman with ties to some type of terrible thing. This one, various sexual harassment claims. The type of guy I could have arrested if I wasn't so focused on trying to save my son. I looked at the message on the wall and my eyes widened, normally the messages were just vague insinuations of how the murder was gods will and the victim deserved what happened to them.

'Please listen to the tape Mr. Washington.'

I rushed back to my office, smuggling the tape with me. I could be discharged and arrested for messing with crime scene. I don't care anymore. I played the tape and a distorted voice spoke.

"Hello Mr. Washington. Six months is quite a long time and I'd like to assure you that your son is perfectly safe. He's been quite the doll, except for him refusing to eat and sleep, but depriving him of that long enough he'll wolf down any meal I give him. I just wanted to tell you not to worry"

Alex's POV
I sat curled in a corner shaking. Why is it so quiet? That's when I heard a loud bang and the sound of the door opening.

Washington's POV

"Your son is perfectly safe. After all-"

Alex's POV
I looked up at the person standing in the doorway. No. No it can't be.

Washington's POV

"I would never hurt my angel."

Alex's POV

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