Chapter 1 part 2

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Rachel looks up and stands up confused and thinking that she's in some sort of trouble. Finn had a feeling that she was Rachel. The Rachel that Will said was so determined and ready for the world to see her talent.
Finn- Well Rachel you're kinda the captain of the club right?
Rachel-(nervous) yeah I guess you could say that...
Mr. Shue- don't worry Rachel we were just wondering if you could help out Finn with glee club and to make sure that he's good
Rachel- yeah sure
The club spent the rest of the hour introducing themselves and talking about their major roles in the club. They also got to know more about Finn who explained that he grew up in Lima and has been friends with Will ever since they went to summer camp together where Will was a camp leader and Finn was a scout.
Pretty soon it was time for everyone to go home they all said their final goodbyes to Mr. Shue and wished him luck in Washington D.C.
Finn's POV
hey Rachel can you stay a minute?
Rachel- sure am I in trouble?
No don't be silly I just wanted to say sorry for just calling you out in front of everyone Will had told me about you and I just wanted to match the name with a face
Rachel- it's fine just caught me a bit off guard
Ok well I hope you and I can work together to get us to nationals Will says you got a great voice and an amazing talent
Rachel(blushing)- thanks I really do but I just feel like no one truly appreciates it
Well they'll change their minds when you're out winning MTV music awards haha
Rachel- no I'm more of a broadway kinda girl
Yeah I can tell you give me more of a Barbra Streisand and less of a Miley Cyrus which is a good thing it suits you well
Rachel- Barbra? Really? I idolize her it's my dream to be just like her!
Haha well trust me you'll get there, how about tomorrow you bring in some material and perform it for us I'd really like to see the talent that's bottled up inside of you
Rachel- ok just be prepared to be amazed. See ya later Mr. Hudson
Call me Finn
Rachel- ok see ya later Finn
End of POV
She gathered her belongings and left Finn was left in the choir room alone.
It was strange for him, for some reason he felt a sort of warmth leave with her when she left. He smiled to himself remembering the way she looked. He shook his head.
Finn- whoa what am I thinking? No way she's a kid.. Well not a kid but more of a young teen... Wait who am I talking to?
He cleaned up the rest of the room and gathered his belongings and left.

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