Chapter 28

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A/N: Thank you all for the birthday wishes! Today has been amazing! It was also my first day at my university (yes I'm a college freshman) and it was so awesome cuz I already love my English professor and my other professor made my class sing happy birthday to me lol so yeah pretty cool(:

Ok enough about me! Here's are the next chapters!

Let me know what you thought!


The weekend had past and everyone was preparing for Nationals and the trip to L.A. Finn was nervous because all of his hard work that he had put into the club was about to be put to test. He didn't want to disappoint anyone including the glee members. The group had gotten together and were about to board the bus to take them to the airport. Luckily to trip was two weeks before graduation and one week away from prom, everyone was excited for both. Once everyone made it into the bus, they left to the airport all in good spirits because they knew they were going to win. They had practiced all year and were extremely prepared.

Once they arrived to their hotel in L.A. everyone dispersed trying to get as much sightseeing as possible. Rachel, Jesse and Yanely had decided to hit Hollywood Blvd and see the Hollywood Walk of Fame. While they were off, Will and Finn were on a mission to find the perfect location for Finn's surprise for Rachel. They drove around in a rental car trying to find the area.

Will- Dude, we've been to like 10 places and you haven't liked any! We gotta be back by 4 to do rehearsals and it's already 2!

Finn- I'm sorry but this has got to be perfect we're nearing our 8th month anniversary and I want it to be special since we didn't do anything for our 6th month. And this is a pretty important event.

Will- I guess I am happy for you two but just choose a place already!

Finn laughed as they arrived to their last location. They both got out of the car and looked around.

Finn- It's perfect, absolutely perfect. This is the place.

Will- Finally!

Finn- shut up

Finn pulled out his phone and called a car service to reserve a car for the day he had planned. Everything was going according to plan, he just hoped Rachel would like her surprise. He quickly texted her to see where she was.

Finn- hey babe(; whatcha up to?

Rachel- oh not much still walking around. I saw a Barbra Streisand impersonator! She wasn't acting a lot like her so I corrected her(:

Finn- haha nice babe

Rachel- what about you and Will what are you two doing?

Finn- oh we had to go sign some papers for Nationals, like waivers and such

Rachel- oh ok well I gtg we're gonna go into Ripley's Believe It or Not before heading back

Finn- ok see you in a bit, love ya babe(;

Rachel- love ya too<3 (; xxxxo

Finn was glad Rachel didn't suspect a thing, he couldn't wait to see her reaction, hopefully it was a good one.

Will- alright love bird, let's go. We're gonna get some major traffic back.

Both got back into the car and went to the theatre to get ready for rehearsals.

It was finally four o'clock and everyone gathered in the auditorium to practice for Nationals the next day. The girls opened with Edge of Glory and were perfect. Next was Rachel but she preferred to rehearse on her own so they moved onto the last and big performance. Jesse and Rachel sang lead while Tina and Blaine got a few solo parts. The performance was a perfect ending to their section. Everyone cheered seeing as they were perfect for the next day.

Finn- Alright guys! So I just wanna say that you all looked perfect! I'm so proud of how far you've all gone. It was truly an honor to be your glee coach this year.

Artie- well we wouldn't have been this prepared if it weren't for you Finn. You made sure we got everything done. You were more than our teacher and coach but our friend.

Everyone nodded in agreement while Finn smiled as tears collected in his eyes. He was so happy that the club loved him.

Finn- thank you guys. Alright so rehearsals are over, you're dismissed!

Will- just remember that we'll be doing check ins at 10pm so that's means 9:30 is your curfew.

The club dispersed as everyone went to rest and enjoy the evening in the streets of L.A.

Jesse- hey me, Yanely and Rachel were thinking about getting dinner, you guys in?

Will & Finn- sure

The group left and had dinner at a small diner near the hotel. Finn was so happy that he could sit near Rachel and put his arm around her like nothing, without any judgment from anyone. He looked at her with nothing but pure love and kissed her cheek.

Rachel- what was that for?

Finn- nothing, I just love you.

Rachel smiled- I love you too.

She leaned over and kissed him.

Will- oh boo! Get a room you two!

They stopped and laughed at Will who was the only one without a date. The night ended and everyone reported back to their rooms, excited for the next day to come.

A Forbidden Love: A Finchel StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin