That moment Elena realizes she loved Damon "TVD Season 6 Episode 2"

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(Alaric grabs a chair and sits in front of her, a tear slips from her eye.) Alaric: It's okay, Elena you can tell me, tell me the moment you knew you loved him.

Elena, teary eyed and reassured, says: It was my birthday.


(Damon is sitting on the ground in the hallway, throwing a ball at the wall, and catching it, the screen says 'Today,'.)

Elena (voiceover): Damon and I spent the entire summer looking for Stefan.

(Damon stops throwing the ball and looks at his hand, his expression is without amusement, he just looks sad.)

Elena (voiceover): And I was trying to put on a good face because Caroline was throwing this party for me but I was just so sad.

(Damon gets up from the ground, walking from the hall.)

(Flashback to 3x01, Elena is in front of the mirror wearing the white dress, she's admiring herself.)

Elena (voiceover): I was two seconds from deciding that I wasn't going to go, I wasn't going to leave the room.

(Damon is slouched against the wall with his arms folded.)

Elena (voiceover): Until Damon walked in to give me my...birthday gift.

(Present day Damon is standing in the same room as the flashback, he flicks on the light, and slouches against the wall just like the flashback, he's thinking of the moment too.)

(Flashback: Elena turns when she sees Damon, and smiles.)

(Present day Damon smiles at the memory and walks fully into the room.)


Elena: It was the necklace that Stefan had given me, I'd lost it.

(Flashback: Damon approaches Elena with a small box and he opens it. It's Stefan's necklace.)

Elena (voice over flashback): And Damon knew what the necklace meant to me.


Elena: My necklace.)

Present day Elena: What it meant about my feelings for Stefan. Even though he loved me.

(Flashback: Elena picks up her hair so Damon can put the necklace on.)

Elena (voice over flashback): He gave me the one thing that represented hope for me and his brother. I knew how much it hurt him. But he did it.

(Flashback: Elena turns to Damon after he's finished.)


(Damon is taking Stefan's necklace from a small box as he stares at it, remembering Elena. He fists the necklace tightly in his hand.)


(Elena gropes at her neck, even though the necklace isn't there.): It was...the most selfless that he's ever been, and in that moment...I loved him. I didn't want to, I mean, I--It terrified me but, for that moment I loved him.


(Damon puts the necklace back in the box and stares absently, he looks extremely sad but no tears are visible.)

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