Damon take the cure with Elena "TVD S6Ep21

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(Damon smiles at the memory before continuing to speak to Elena)

DAMON: I'm taking it. I've been a vampire for a long time, Elena. It's been a blast. I would give it up in a second to be your husband. (She smiles happily) Your partner, the father of your kids...

ELENA: (worried) You can't take it just for me.

DAMON: That's what you and Stefan keep saying, but you're wrong. I can. I can take it for us. Okay? (Elena looks like she is about to cry) Because even if it doesn't work, even if it all goes to hell, even if I'm miserable and alone, the smallest chance of a perfect life with you is infinitely better than an immortal one without you. And I know this, Elena. I love you... and I will love you until I take my last breath on this earth.

(They both smile and Damon leans in and kisses her.)

(Up in the attic of the barn, there are clothes all over the floor next to where Damon and Elena have just finished making love in a pile of hay, with only a horse blanket over top of them. Damon suddenly hears something with his vampire-hearing while Elena kisses his neck)

DAMON: Um, I think it's starting.

ELENA: (pulls away from his neck) What? No! What time is it?

(She looks at her phone and sees five missed phone calls and even more text messages from Caroline.)

ELENA: Oh my god. No, no, no, no, we're so late.

(They both sit up and start putting on their clothes.)

DAMON: Well, you're the one who couldn't keep your paws off me.

ELENA: (throws him his shirt) Damon, put your tux back on.

DAMON: (smiles) I am, I am.

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