"Delena Rain Kiss" TVD Season 6 Episode 7

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Delena happy moment

Elena: Ok. Tell me more. Something happy?

Damon: Ok. Happy. Well, there is a motel ice machine in Denver that's got some stories.

Elena: What else?

Damon: Well, can't forget the night of your graduation.

Elena: Well, I did, so...

Damon: Shame. Probably one of your best speeches. You in your very passionate and adorable way told me you were in love with me, and hell if you were gonna apologize for it. My favorite memory of us, oh, one that I've relived a million times over the last 4 months is this summer night that we had before you went off to college. You wanted to show me this meteor shower, so we drove out in the middle of nowhere, and the moment those shooting stars started to fall, rain, lots of rain. You were so sure it would clear, and it was just easier to believe you, and I took your hand...


(Damon pours some bourbon on a grave)

Damon: One for you, one for me. Cheers, Horatio Fell.

(Damon recalls the night with Elena, watching for shooting stars. In the memory, Elena smiles big and Damon smiles back, when it starts to rain)

Damon: Come on. It's time to abandon ship.

Elena: No, no, no, wait. Just give it a second. It'll clear up.

(It starts raining harder. Damon and Elena kiss)

Elena: Promise me this is forever.

Damon: I promise.

Damon: I promise

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