March 10, 1986 ~ 5:25 p.m.

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Thor walked quickly down a few flight of stairs. He was on a mission. There was something he needed from Loki.

He finally reached ground level and took a left, then took a right, went straight ahead, then stopped. He looked to his left. There was Loki, standing right in front of him, the look of disgust and hatred on his face.

"What do you want?" He asked, scornfully.

"We need your help." Thor answered, fists clenched at his side. Loki laughed menacingly as he spun around his cell.

"And why should I help you? You took control of my life, you restricted me from my love, and you took me away from my daughter! Do you really think I want to help you?" Loki started to become angry and his breathing became heavy, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Loki, it's for the sake of the child." Thor raised his voice to portray his seriousness.

"What do you mean?" Loki asked, confused.

"Odin is not letting her stay in Asgard. We are sending her to that awful planet Earth. Where, I have no idea."

"Ok........ Are you insane?!? She'll be all by herself! What is wrong with you?!'

"Loki! Listen to me. This is where you come in."


"With your magic. Illusions." Thor made crazy hand motions, trying to mimic what he had seen Loki do before.

"How will illusions help a defenseless infant?"

"You need to give her, and the world around her, the false impression that she has a sister. Do you remember when Sigyn told us about her past, what she knows?"

"I remember."

"Well, when her visions of her past, her life, and her mother start flooding in, her sister will leave her on her own. She should be of pure age by then." Loki was quiet a moment.



"I will not help you take my daughter away. You make it sound good, but that's exactly what you're planning. I love her too much." Thor felt that familiar sympathy for his brother.

"Well, then brother, Odin will leave her there, alone. And she will end up dying." He didn't want to resort to this excuse, but it worked. Loki thought on this.

"*sigh*" He hung his head as tears formed in his eyes. Thor stepped closer to the barrier separating them. "I will help you." Loki said, defeat in his voice.

"Good. She leaves tomorrow." And with that, Thor walked swiftly away.

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