August 20, 2002 ~ 3:05 a.m.

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BG heard the click of Tony's door. He had finally gone to bed. She stood up, grabbed the ring from her nightstand, put it on her left hand, and concentrated real hard on the man in her dreams. As she made a circle motion with her hand, a blue portal opened. She ran through. As she crossed realms, her hair straightened out and her clothes changed  from sweatpants and a T-shirt to a black and blue dress, which was tight around the front and loose in the back. Silver gladiator heel covered up to her thighs. And a black crown pay on her head. When the transformation was complete, she noticed a man standing on a pedestal, looking into the distance.

"You....." She said in awe.

"Hello, Becka Giselle."

"You're the guy in my dream! You told me how to make that.....portal!"

"Yes, I did."

"Who are you?" He smiled.

"My name is Heimdall. I am the watcher of the galaxy."

"Why am here, Heimdall?"

"To meet your father." She chuckled.

"My father ran away."

"No. He didn't. Your father was imprisoned after you were born."


"Yes. In fact, if he had done what he was told, you wouldn't be alive."

"How do you know this?"

"I am the watcher of the Galaxy." She appeared to be thinking this over.

"When can I meet him?"

"Noe, if you would like."

"Where is he?"

"In the prison. Just follow the blur orb." Heimdall pointed to the palace where a blue orb waited at the end of the Bifrost. She began her walk.

"Thanks, Heimdall." He didn't answer. She cautiously walked the bridge in the heels, which gave her enough time you think about what was happening. "Rainbow Bridge. That was in the book of Norse Mythology. I swear, if Loki is my father I might kill someone." When she made it to the castle, she was stopped by two palace guards.

"Halt!" BG put her hands up to show she had no weapons. Blue sparks reached from the palms of her hands to the guards armour. He fell back. "Ah! I'm sorry, miss. Please, go right in." The two went back to their posts. BG followed the orb till it took her to a cell, then it disappeared into the floor.

"Father?" She asked, shyly, looking at a man reading a book. He closed his book and casually walked to her, trying not to look excited.

"Becka Giselle."

"Yep, you're Loki alright."

"So, you've arrived." He ignored her remark.

"Yes. I have. And I brought you this." She scooped the air where the glowing blue ball reappeared, like in her dream.

"Good. Very good." He smirked as he stared at it.

"So why do you want it? What kind of key is it?"

"It will get me out of here."

"But.... that would make new a bad guy."

"Becka Giselle, I am in here wrongfully. I am in here, because you were born. Do you think that's fair?"

"Well, no...." She took her time to think.

"And neither do I. When I am out of here, we can be together. Like a real family, I'll even bring back Bridget...."

"Brittany." She corrected, but he continued like he didn't notice.

"Isn't that what you want?"

"Yea, I guess."

"Alright then. Now, take down the barrier." She pulled the key off the ribbon she had tied on her wrist and shut the barrier down. She handed him the orb, when he grabbed it, shuffling were heard from above them. He looked to the ceiling in horror.

"You need to go." Loki had panic in his eyes.


"Becka Giselle, I am your father, just do as I say!"

"But I don't wanna go!" She herself sounded panicked.

"Becka!" He raised his voice.

"Becka?" Too late. Thor stood there looking at her, before putting her into a bone-crushing hug.

"You must be my Uncle."

"Yes. I am Thor, god of Thunder and Lightning."

"This is really cool." The excitement radiated off her face.

"Really." Loki rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Becka Giselle, as much as I would like for you to stay longer, you must go."

"But, I don't want to."

"Becka, your grandfather, he's a very angry man. And his temper is nothing to be toyed with. He knows Loki's cell barrier has been broken, and he's not happy. You must go, at once!" She sighed.

"Alright then." She brought up the portal. "Just one thing, I am trying to convert the electricity that strangely runs through my body, to a metal suit, do you know how I could do that?" Thor chuckled and stepped closer to her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Loki roll his eyes again and huff.

"I'll send some plans to you, don't worry, young one. Noe, go." She did as she was told and the portal closed. "You're in so much trouble."

BG stumbled through the other side, stubbing her toe against the bed. She opened her mouth in pain, but didn't scream. She jumped around a few minutes before limping over to her bed. As she covered herself with the sheet, she wondered what the plans would consist of, and why electricity coursed through her veins. And before she fell asleep, she wondered how long it would be before her father escaped.

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