Daddy's Little Mischief

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Sveta's phone buzzed in her back pocket.
Taking it out, she could see the bold lettered "Daddy" written on the screen with 5 blue hearts following
it. She swiped her finger on her new IPhone X and a smirk grew on her face once again.
"Yes Pappa?" she spoke into the phone like a princess filled with filthy pride, "Yes, yes. I think I might
have something interesting to you today. What? Yes. Trust me Pappa, it's good, it's real good."
That night, wearing her cotton house jumpers and her sleepers with pink pompoms bigger than her own hands
on them, she sat across the big stone table from her father, with her laptop screen facing him.
On it was a video compilation she asked her boyfriend to make. It was of the lab room, three days before
the incident with lunchroom light bulb. She had asked her boyfriend to spy on Mike and Dash, saying it was something
it was something top secret.
Whatever they were doing in that lab every afternoon ‪from 5Pm to 9Pm‬ was not to be joked about, seeing as the random activities during class that revolved around Mike most definitely had something to do with them. And he wanted them
Her boyfriend, Arsen, wasn't quite sure as to why, as she never specified it, but it was, in fact,
because of Areg. That Dash, that dirty little pervert had clawed him off of her and onto him, and she hated seeing him smile at him, smile not in the way a boy was supposed to smile at another boy. It disgusted her. Her own jealousy disgusted her.
Her father's eyes widened at what he saw.
Mike was sitting in the lab with two boxes in front of him. One seemed to be yellow, the other was bright
blue. Dash then promptly asked him to calm down and put a camera of his own in front of Mike. Nothing happened for the next 20 minutes.
But what happened shook Sveta's father to the core.
Dash got up and said something, something that the camera didn't pick up, but still, his hands were fidgeting
and his hips moved frantically around the tables toward Mike. Then, the blue box flew up and hit the wall, fell back down and rose right up, crashing one of the lights and eventually breaking and scattering all over the room. Dash stood in pure amazement,
while Mike held his eyes with both hands. For a second, both Pappa and Dash thought he was crying. But when Dash, from the other side of the screen, ran over to him, now not even trying to avoid the tables and crushing through them, and caressed his cheek
with one shaking hand, Mike pulled his hands away from his eyes and the room lit up. His eyes were glowing in a blue, bright light and it did
look real.
The box, or what remained from it, was glowing too, and small sparks of blue started to generate from
it. All of those gathered up around Mike and disappeared into his skin.
As soon as Sveta's eyes met her father's and she knew that the video was over, she shut the laptop closed
and smiled.
"You think you can make do with that, Pappa?" she said, smirking.
He looked at her for a second, his eyes frozen, pupils dilated and twitching. Then, his smirk joined her's.
"Oh yes, you bet I can."

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