Red Room Team

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He woke up in an unfamiliar bed, and right away, his head was spinning like crazy. The room was almost fully red and at first, he worried
a little that he was in hell. "What if all those sins and disbeliefs turned out to actually have a meaning
and I'm in hell-"
an all too familiar voice exclaimed. All of a sudden the reality smacked him in the face. This was Akane's room, and it was red because everything she said about the powers was
true. He wasn't going bananas, but that only meant that he's supposedly in Japan, away from home, from mom and dad and Nika, from school and from everything he ever held true as life. Dread built up in his throat and traveled down his spine as he tried to
get up.
"Just lie down!" a feminine voice rushed into the room as Akane calmly walked in, with a red wet towel flying from behind her.
"I can't even turn my head around, how am I supposed to-" the towel landed on his forehead, revealing it's true heat, and he screeched
in mild pain "OUCH NOW THAT'S HOT!"
"It's gotta be hot to help, you know. Maybe try not jumping out of a broken car door next time and actually
for me to rescue your uneducated existence?"
"Meaning you now literally have to burn my head off of me?!"
"Meaning you need to shut the hell up and behave-" Akane was cut off abruptly by Dash standing up from the coach he was pushed into
by an actual blanket. It had been over 16 hours and Akane and him couldn't say a single word to each other since she only spoke Japanese, while Mike was blanked out, lying on the bed Akane was going to cry over for a week (the sheets were new and Mike rolled
over 20 meters on his back down a buddy hill in Dilijan - the most moist town in Armenia).
"Ehem, excuse me, but how do you guys communicate right now? Is it me or are you two talking in two different languages?"
"It's you, she's clearly speaking Armenian right now, Dashiell."
"Uh" both of them said at once "She's (I'm) speaking Japanese."
"No she's no- Tell me it's one of your tricks or I'm jumping right out the closest window here."
"Try it. We're on the first floor." Dash frowned at him  and pointed at the window, which was facing the streets.
"It is one of our tricks." Akane said, taking the, now less burning, towel off of his forehead. Then, the monotone fussing of the water
Mike hadn't noticed previously coming from the bathroom stopped and a single small tub of water came flying into the room. The tub, of course, red. The water in it, still as day. "We can communicate with our Hollows, more with our thoughts that with sound.
You'd understand the meaning behind anything I say without trouble even if I spoke complete gibberish."
Dash just stood there, staring at the two of them. He was mad, sad and most importantly, very, very scared. His and Mike's worlds had
both shattered into pieces and worst of all, he couldn't tell his parents what was happening. Nor could he tell Areg. And honestly, he was more worried about Areg than his parents. They didn't give quite enough shits to care, also, it was completely normal
for Dash to be missing for a day or two. But those "day or two"s were all spent with Areg, and he was the kind of a guy that would freak out over him being late to school for 15 minutes. And now that his phone wasn't on him and probably was 7750 kilometers
away from him, getting investigated in the tiniest details. He tried gesturing Akane into giving him her phone or going on social media (by literally drawing the internet sign on a paper) but when she opened her laptop, it was entirely Japanese, the keyboard
included. His IQ was high, but it definitely wasn't high enough to figure out how a Japanese keyboard works in less than a week or so. So he just sat there. Thinking of every single catastrophic outcome all of this could have.
He only where he was, since Akane told him that literally the moment the walked into the apartment.
"Fukuoka, Japan."
Now he stood here, wondering what was next.
Mike was scared too, but he was too shocked to react to it all. He just listened to Akane as the towel periodically flied to the tub
and to his head, and as the tub flew back to the bathroom, as the sink turned on, turned off, and as it flew back.
"I can do
kinda stuff?"
His ease baffled Dash. And while Mike was taken away by Akane's words, Dash was only taken aback. With every single Japanese word that
escaped her lips, he went one step further from home and comfort. The more he looked around and the more it became real, the more scared he grew. And finally, as he was about to ask Mike if he could ask Akane to monitor the PC for him so that he could let
Areg know what was happening, every single object in the room started floating.
He rushed his gaze to Akane.
She sat upright, holding steady eye contact with Mike, but not really looking him in the eyes. Her eyes glew bright red as if her pupils
were christmas decoration lights, and the red hair from her short bob floated right up, glowing synchronically with the eyes.
The boys stared in awe as she slowly put them down and whispered.
"Pawā." Dash heard.
"Power." Mike understood.

After a painfully long and very revealing broken telephone conversation between Mike, Akane and Dash, the managed to log into Dash's
facebook and notify Areg about what was happening. The all considered it safe to trust him. If it only involved Mike, Dash wouldn't have had told him, but since Dash was at risk himself, Areg wouldn't do jack shit.
Since both accounts (Dash's and Areg's) could be easily monitored by the government and traced to Akane's place, both accounts were
deactivated. At least Areg could be remotely relaxed now. He said they both would open a fake account and communicate through there, and Areg promised he'd fly over soon (not much of a problem to him, since his father's wealth reach mountains and his freedoms too), but the crew wasn't keen on that. What if they traced him back? Danger man, danger man, danger man.
As the three of them sat at the PC desk and Dash cried his eyes out on Mike's shoulder, Akane was completely chill. She found the blue one and he was safe. He was alive and safe. And that was the main concern. The rest was minor. The boyfriend was just a nuisance, the best friend currently weeping would calm down eventually and the crystals could once again unite. Hopefully. If Mike isn't a complete idiot and can learn the skills of telekinesis, telepathy and teleportation in maximum of the next two years, they were going to win Mangalu in no time. She believed in him and hoped that was enough.
Dash pulled himself up and looked back at his 8 years of facebook activity now deactivated, then wiped his tears off with the sleeve
of his blanket and said.
"We'll make a great team, Mikuku."
Mike looked at him and smiled.
That's how the power of the Blue Crystal was respawned within Michael Sahakyan, the hero of our times.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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