A Vision For Dummies

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Nobody spoke during the drive to seemingly nowhere. Not even Mike and Dash.
Dash didn't fully grasp the idea of his execution yet nor did he want to grasp it.
Mike didn't grasp the idea of any of this happening, but the sparks. They spoke this time. They were showing
him something. Something about Japan, something about being there, something about the color blue and something about disappearing. It was like a daydream, except he didn't control it.
He was in handcuffs too now, although he never once tried to resist anything. He didn't see the point.
It was uncomfortable, there, in the back of a van, his hands cuffed behind his back, but his eyes couldn't
stay open. They just kept rolling back and he felt dizzier and dizzier every single time he tried to stop himself from dozing off. His last thoughts were "I wanna go home" before he fell asleep.
He was surrounded by blue light from all sides. It didn't seem like he was standing, but didn't feel like
he was flying either. He was sort of levitating, in a way he'd never done before.
"Mike?" a female voice spoke, seemingly out of nowhere.
In this dream, it wasn't up to questioning, so he just nodded.
"Mike, you need to listen to me carefully." The voice seemed to be in a hurry and panicking, but neither
of that mattered right now, "You need to listen carefully and pay attention to every single word I tell you." he nodded again, "I am Akane Akagawa, the red crystal and well, pretty much the only person out there who can help you right now. Problem is, I've
just traveled to Armenia in 10 minutes, from Japan, to save you, but you don't know jack shit about your powers. So, I sent out some of my Hollows, or whatever you prefer to call them, out to yours, to make you sleep so that I can telepathy my way into your
mind and I-.. I guess I'm getting off topic here.
"You, me and Mangalu are the only 3 crystals left out of the population of 60000. But that 60000 was around
a whole Christianity, and double that, ago. Right, that's right, over 4K years ago, there was a country in the depths of the Arctic. We were the Crystal Empowerers, and we're called that for a reason. We, me, you, that prick and the other 60000 something are
a part of a special race with a different gene type. Now, I don't want to make this to complicated for you, so I'll just tell you this - the average human has 23 chromosomes, right? We have 24, the 24th being a literal tiny crystal. Because of that one crystal
chromosome, your every single muscle in your body is basically constructed of a different kind of a muscle, not something you've learned of in school or something the surgeons have been taught either. This muscle has crystals alongside regular constructive
tissue and I think I might be making this over complicated again and we don't have much time, so I'll jump to the next point.
"Well, that gene makes you immortal, since your tissue doesn't break until a certain point of growth,
also known as total puberty, until you bare your first child. When that child is, mhm, well.. Made I guess, all your Hollows, your crystals transfer to them once they're born, and you start to age regularly. That is, unless you have a kid with another crystal.
Then, both of you give half of your Hollows to the kid and continue being immortal. That's how the 60000 of us existed all those years ago. Those were divided into three crystal clans - the blue, the red and the yellow. As you might've noticed, those are the
primary colors. Those are the colors that make up our world and we, the crystals, are responsible for saturating this damned universe.. And well, shit happened.
"The chief of the yellow clan tragically died, and his son, Mangalu, was to replace him. But Mangalu had
an issue. He was born with a genetic problem of some sort, and at the age of 30, he just kept growing older and older. By 40, his hair had been graying and by 50, he was an old man. That's when he killed the first crystal. After that, he ordered his servants
to thor open his chest and give him his heart, the heart being the most... crystalous, part of the body. He ate it. And he became young again,.
"I knew your dad, and you're his first son. Means you have the crystal genes. Means you have an enormous
amount of power, which you don't know how to use and I understand that you're probably scared and probably panicking and I'm probably talking for too long, but you need to understand the basics if you wanna be at least slightly free.
"So, listen as careful as humanly possible. Concentrate. Breath deeply and slowly. Like meditating, ever
done that sorta thing? Look at an object that has at least some amount of blue in it. Any cold color will work, including purple, but warm colors won't since they don't have any blue pigment for you to connect with. Once you've chosen your object, concentrate
on it. Think of it's shape, it's color, it's mass, it's texture, EVERYTHING. Have it as real as possible in your mind. Then, you'll start automatically xraying the object and connecting your Hollows with it's pigments... You'll understand what Hollows are when
you get to it. Then, just move your concentration toward the location you want the object to go. It's not exactly telekinesis but it kind of is.
"I'm on top of your car. When you wake up, do your best to freak the drivers out. I've scanned the car:
there are a lot of red thingies there, I'll crush it once you distract them, and you two, run for your damned lives, alright? On the count of one, two and three-"
Mike's eyes popped wide open. He somehow believed the dream, and honestly, can you blame him? In the last
3 months he'd randomly crushed objects, all of them had something blue in them and his dad always called him "the lucky one" or the "next one" and things like that, never said anything along those lines to his brother.. It just made sense, and even if it was
just a dream, even if it was nothing but an illusion, he had no other option, but to try.
The first blue item he saw was the seat of the driver.
Everything was so weird. Everything felt so,
weird. His head felt like a bubble, a cotton candy ball or a cloud, he didn't feel anything except the seat. Then he looked at the wheel, and felt the seat crush against it. And it
Well, almost. He moved, most definitely, but in a frantic, unspecified way. It felt as if he'd
slip on ice or something, moved his hand while drawing or accidentally scratched the paper while erasing something.
"What the
"Are you okay, man?!" the other guy, sitting next to him.
"It.. I don't know man, this is fishy... My seat bumped or something.."
"Relax, it's probably nothi-" his seat came forward and went crushing back.
They looked at each other for a second. Slowly looking back in front of them, the driver looked at the
rear-view mirror.
Mike was smiling at him.
"Tatta, assholes."
The mirror shattered into pieces. Some fell on the driver's face, on specific fell into the other guy's
eye, and as he reached for it, the seat came forward once again.
"ATTA BOY!" Dash screamed.
Everyone seemed to be screaming. That's when the door flew off.
"Watashi wa koko ni iru!"
Mike blanket out.

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