8. Forgive Me.

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Slowly I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by a bright light. After my eyes adjusted to the light I realized that I was in the hospital.

What happened? Why am I here? I thought while I looked through the room only to spot Kakashi in a bed reading.

"Thank god hes alright." I whispered to myself, still looking at him. Seeing him like this always calmed me.

"Sweet-heart, you finally woke up." he spoke while he slamed his book shut and looked to me.
He stood up from his bed and made his way to mine. I could see that his health wasn't the best and I started to worry. He sat himself on the edge of my bed and placed a hand on his forehead. Out of instinct I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me.

" What? Do you fear for my health?" asked me my boyfriend with an obvious smile on his lips, even if he had his mask on.

" Of course Kakashi. I do not know what happened anymore, but I hope your injuries aren't that bad." I told him while looking down at the bed sheets.

" I am fine, thanks to you." he told me with his typical one eyed smile after which he continued to speak. "You fought so well. And I do not know it why but when you activated your Mangekyo-sharingan, Itachi decided to just flee." He took a pause and looked at my surprised face.
" You know, you could have told me that you can use your Mangekios-haringan. I thought you would trust me" he told me with a sad voice.

" Kakashi, I trust you. I really do! I did not know that I can use it." I told him while I put my hand on his bare hand.

" Do you really trust me?" he asked me while looking me straight in my eye.

"Kakashi, I love you more then anything in this world, of course I trust you. Please, trust me too when I say, I had no idea that I can use my Mangekyos-haringan. I don't know how I got it nor do I know how to use it." I told him with a serious voice while looking at him.

" I trust you too and you mean everything to me." he told me while he put his hand at his mask. He slipped two fingers in his mask and was just about to pull it down, when suddenly the door opened.

Tsunade came in and when she saw us she giggled a little.
" Ayumi, I wanted to talk to you, but you seem to be occupied right now. I'll come later, but please guys, this is a hospital after all." she told us with a big grin on her face and leaving the room as fast as she came.

I inhaled deeply and looked back to my beautiful boyfriend.

"Why? Why did you want to show me your face now?"

" I want to show you that I trust and love you." he answered.

"Kakashi, I know that. I know that you are not ready to show me your face and I can live with your decision. I do not want to force you to do something you do not want to do." I told him with a soft voice while placing my hand on his cheek.

He placed his hand over mine and responded.

" Ayumi, I am so sorry for my reaction yesterday. I should not have reacted that way." He stopped and looked at me with a loving gaze in the eye. "I do not want to force you. I respect your decision but sometimes I can't control myself. I love you so much. Your body as well as your soul, are perfect too me. I hope you can forgive me."

His look was now fixed at the bed sheets. I was so surprised about his kind words that all I could do, was to hug him. He did the same and I whispered a short "I do" in his ear.

Not long after we broke our hug, we heard a knock on the door and Tsunade came in. She told me that I did not have any bad wounds but I would still need to be in the hospital for a week because of my chackra loss. After she told us what we needed to know she left the room.

Not long after she left, the door busted open and our team entered the room, of course with Naruto leading them.

"Kakashi-sensei, can we go training??" asked Naruto.

"Naruto you know that I am here for a reason right?" Kakashi responded with a questioning expression on his face.

"Yeah, too live your perverted fantasies about hospitals with Ayumi." Naruto responded while scratching the back of his neck.

Yamato saw Kakashi's and my expression so he know, that he needed to do something, so this situation would not escalate.

"Come on Naruto! I'll train you." He grabbed the blonde boy by his hand and left as quickly as possible with him.

Sakura apologized for Naruto and then also left the room completely red faced. The only one remaining was Sai.

" I have read that you should visit your comrades when they are sick. But you should also know when to leave them alone. So I guess this would be that moment. Get well soon Senpai." he told us and left not hearing that we both screamed at him to not call us Senpai anymore.

"Finally alone. Now I can relax" I told Kakashi with a relieving sigh and closing my eyes. Moments later only regretting what I just said because I heard the window open.

"What now?" I asked with my eyes still closed.

"Com on Sunshine! Did you not miss me?" I heard a to familiar voice say, so I opened my eyes because I wanted to be sure that it is indeed, who I thought it was, and it was.

It was Jiraiya! He was one of my closest male friends. Not only that but he was like a father too me. I got so close to him since I first meet him that I always feel like a child when I get to see him, tho I always try to hide this.

Our relationship really was like a father-daughter relationship after all. We often would have silly fights but we could also talk for hours and not get bored.

"Jiraiya! Welcome back. What is so important that the legendary Sannin is visiting us?" I asked him, with a big smile on my lips.

" I came to talk to Kakashi about Naruto."

"Ok ok...I get It. I should be quiet." I was a little sad so I just took my book out and started too read.

After some hours, Tsunade wanted to talk to Kakashi as well, so they got out of the room and I was left alone with Jiraiya.

"So Sunshine, tell me, how is Kakashi?" Jiraiya asked me with a perverted and curious look on his face.

" What do you mean?" I looked a little confused at him, because I did not know what he wanted me to say.

"Well...how is he as a lover? You know, before you came we would often talk about my books and woman. Well...now that I think about it, I talked and he listened most of the time." he told me with his funny but also thoughtful expression.

"Yeah, that sounds like my Kakashi" I answered while laughing together with Jiraiya.

We were interrupted by Kakashi who came back from Tsunade. He told us that he could leave the hospital tomorrow.

"What? You can leave and I need to stay here alone?" I asked a little annoyed.

" I am sorry Love, you need to rest more then me, because you also used more of your chackra." he answered me.

" I will stay a little longer in the village so Ill visit you. Till then Sunshine!" Jiraiya told me with a smile while rubbing my head, after which he disappeared in a smoke cloud.

" Finally alone." I heard Kakashi say as he laid himself back in his bed.

" Yeah. I am tired." I answered while I got myself comfortable in my bed. I starred at Kakashi reading while I felt myself get more and more tired till the point where I fell asleep.

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