Meeting the Dolan Twins

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Valerie's POV

My name is Valerie, I am 15 years old. A brunette with bright green eyes, tall (5''7) and slim.

My dream is to meet the dolan twins my mom keeps telling me even if i met them they woudn't remember my name. I live in L.A but i never ran into them.

Grayson's POV

I went to the supermarket and now i'm back when i was about to unlock the apartment's door i saw a letter infront of the door on the floor "Dude i found this letter on the door" i said, "what is this?" asked ethan, i opened the letter. "we have 3 days to leave this apartment" "what? thats impossible, how are we going to move our things and find another house in 3 days" ethan replied worried, "let's call mom" we said in unison

I called mom,


M: hello

Me: Mom we have 3 days to leave the house

M: What do you mean?

Me: we are being kicked out of the house

M: what did you do?

E: nothing, we found a letter on the door

Me: nobody told us anything

M: I will call my friend she works in real estate in L.A

Me: ok mom be quick

M: alright, bye boys

(The Next Day)

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing

"Ethan wake up, mom is calling" i yelled

M: goodmorning boys

Me: hi mom

M: my friend has a house you could rent i will text you the address

Me: thanks ma

M: you can start moving your things

Me: ok bye

M: Bye, take care

Valerie's POV

I was listening to tunesdays, i heard voices. "Mom, what is this noise?" "i think we have new neighbors" my mom replied, "how noisy" i said, and played my music louder

Grayson's POV

We were putting the last box inside, when we heard movements playing. i looked at ethan and he was looking at me too, "shall we meet our new neighbors?" i asked, "sure" ethan answered smirking. we got to the door of the house that was right next to ours, there was only a foot between my bedroom's window and theirs. ethan knocked on the door. a lady in her thirties opened the door.

"Hello, are you the new neighbors?" she asked "yes we are" ethan answered "i was planning on making brownies and visiting you" she added "oh there is no need" i replied, "for some reason you look familiar" she said "you might know us as the dolan twins" "oh yeah my daughter is obsessed with you" "that's why we came we heard our song being played" i replied "she will be so happy to meet you, shall i call her down?" she asked "No need, can we go upstairs?" i asked "absolutley, it's the second door to the right" "thank you" ethan said

Valerie's POV

i heard a knock on my door, "Mom, i am not hungry, i will eat later" i yelled, i looked at door to find to familiar faces looking at me, "oh my god" i said "grayson and ethan dolan " i said without feeling that there are tears rolling down my cheek

they laughed and came and hugged me "i can't believe i am seeing you right now with my two eyes", grayson kissed my right cheek and ethan kissed my left cheek "how did you get here or know i was a fan of you" ethan pointed to the stereo "movements" grayson said, "ohhhhhh" i replied "whenever you feel lonely or bored don't hesitate to come hangout with us" "sure thing"

"We want to go to the supermarket and buy some grocery then go back home, watch a movie and have some pizza, would you like to join?" grayson asked, "sure but i should ask my mom first" "go ahead" ethan said

"mom can i go to the twins house to hangout?" i asked, "sure, but be back before 9" she replied "ok, let's go", "we are going to the supermarket first" ethan said, "jump in" grayson said, "wait what? oh right you're 17 you can drive"i pout, "how old are you? grayson asked "in november i'll be 16" "oh so your 2 years younger than us" ethan said "yeah" "hey! don't be sad, it's a year and a half and you'll be able to drive" "right" i said popping the t

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