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Dear Diary,
Today I had one course with Shawn I really like him but sadly we just have two courses together. He sit in the second row and I'm in the third row I always look at him and he even looks attractive from the back like how is this even possible? Sometimes I caught myself staring at him but gladly he sit in front of me so he doesnt recognize it. I'm freaking in love with this boy and he probably doesn't even know my name. At least this is what I thought till today. The teacher said we should do a presentation together and that means we need to meet each other out of school. And we already planed our meeting he comes to my house in one hour. I still can't believe Shawn will sit in my room because I have a crush on him since 3 years and this will be the first time we will really talk even it's just about school stuff. I'm so excited. I need to shower right now I will probably write everything down here when he's gone.

Some people would say it's weird to write a diary but I like it. I don't really have someone I can talk with and my diary is always there for me and listen to me.

After I got out of the shower I dried my hair and walked to my wardrobe.
Should I wear the blue or bright pink top? I asked myself. He won't care about your shirt colour calm down y/n I talked to myself and decided for the pink one.

I looked into the mirror and corrected the last few thing about my outfit. My mom is gladly not at home because she would probably be a bit embbarresing for me.

*ding dong*  I heard from downstairs and immediately ran to the door. Before I reached the door I tripped over myself and fell to the ground.

"Ouch" I whisper yelled to myself and got up after I fall down the whole stairs "Hey Shawn" I said after I opened the door. "Hey... uhm..." "y/n" I cut him off. "Hey y/n" he said and then he came in.

We walked to my room and he sat down on my bed. "So do you want something to drink? Coffee?" I asked and he nodded. I walked downstairs and got to coffees. "Here" I said and handed it to him.

"Let's start with our presentation" he said and I nodded. We sat down on my desk and started to search informations. It was actually a bit boring and I couldn't help myself not to stare at Shawn. He looks so hot when he's concentrated and I'm finally possible to see him from the front and not only his back.

"Is everything okay? Do I have something in my face?" Shawn asked because he probably noticed I stared at him. "Uhm- no no I- was lost in my thoughts sorry" I said and probably blushed like a tomatoe. I'm such a dumbass.

"Okay we are ready" I said and stood up. "Okay so the I should go now" he said laughing and I nodded sadly. He took his bag and accidentally a swiped a book to the ground. "Oh I'm sorry" he said and wanted to pick the book up but when I saw it was my diary I immediately took it out of his hand.

"Thanks" I answered quickly. "I didn't know you write a diary" he said and I looked at the word which were written down on the book diary "I don't I just use it as a notebook" I said nervous. "So can I read it?" He asked but I shook my head heavily. "It- it's just boring school stuff" I said and hoped he would stop ask about it

"You should probably go now" I said laid my diary back on my desk. "Not before I read this" he said and took my diary. "No Shawn!" I yelled and tried to get the book back but he was too tall. "What is your problem if it's just a note book?" He said laughing.

"Just give it back" I begged. "Okay okay chill" he laughed and threw it to me. I didn't expect that he throw it so I couldn't catch it. The book fell on the ground and opened. There was a page where I drew a big read heart with Shawn's name in the middle of it. I quickly picked it up and hoped he didn't see that.

"Was that my name?" He asked but I immediately shook my head. "Ofc it was y/n" he laughed. "Yeah it was your name but I didn't mean you my- my brother has the same name." I smiled. "You don't have a brother y/n" Shawn laughed and I just wanted to disappear. "Just forget it Shawn" I said and tried to push him out if my room.

"Show me" he said and ripped the book out of my hands. "Shawn please it's my privacy" I shouted out. Shawn ran into the bathroom and locked the door with my book. I slides down the wall and know I fucked up. He'll read everything and know what I feel for him.

"Shawn please don't read that" I said and knocked at the door. He didn't say anything he probably climbed out of the window because he'll never see me again.

I just sat beside the bathroom door and pulled my legs to my body and hide my head in my arms.

"Y/n" I heard Shawn saying. I lifted my head up and watched into his beutuful eyes. "I'm sorry Shawn you can just leave and forget everything, forget what you read, forget what happend, just forget all about me" I said and stood up.

"No" he said and I looked confused at him but before I could say anything he pressed his lips against mine. "Wow" I said after we pulled away from each other. "I always liked you but I never thought you feel the same" he said and my heart beating was fast af

"You didn't even know my name" I said and couldn't believe what just happend. "I did know I just acted like I didn't know your name I'm sorry this was dumb" he said and I smiled at him.

"This can't be real" I whispered. "It is" Shawn said and walked a but closer to me.

"I love you y/n"
I hope you like this one ❤

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