High School for GodBoys and GoddessGirls: Day 1 an. Day 2

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Day 1. Start of first period, 8:35 A.M. Aphrodite's POV.

It was first period. We didn't receive any schedules, so I didn't know what class we'd first get into..And it turns out, my first class was my least favorite...Beast-ology..Ugh. Oh well, at least my GoddessGirl friends were in there, including Acillia. "Psst," I whispered to Acillia, who sat right next to me and was doing her project. "What?" Acillia replied, seeming annoyed. I whispered, "What was the project we had to do?" "Um," the GoddessGirl whispered back. "The project was that we had to choose a monster from our textscrolls and do research. Also, Mr. Chiron said we have to work in groups of five." Acillia's pale and glimmery face brightened up. All the Immortals, whether they were half/full Immortal, had some glimmer in their skin, like us GoddessGirls and GodBoys. Anyways, if Mr. Chiron told we have to work in groups of five, that would mean Athena, Artemis, Persephone, Acillia, and I would have to work in a group! Then the lyrebell rang. Ping ping! Ping ping! We were all excused.

End of first class and first period, 9:00 A.M. Athena's POV.

At the end of Beast-ology class, we were all excused. Me and my GoddessGirl friends went to our lockers. Turns out, we were all next to each other! There was one more empty locker. And surprisingly, Artemis's locker was clean! "So," I asked the other four GoddessGirls. "What monster are we doing from our textscroll?" Just as I thought, all of us, including me, had said in unison, "Sphinx." Also, I wondered what dorm rooms we'd be assigned to?

Day 2. Start of School, 6:47 A.M. New Girl (Suez)'s POV.

I looked at my clock. 6:47. Whew! I'm usually late and whatnot, but if my dad, Zeus, was gonna be the PRINCIPAL of the high school I go to, I would NEVER turn my dad down. I panted as I stopped running to the cafeteria. After a few seconds, I regulated my breathing and walked calmly to get a snack. Then I plopped down on an empty table with a carton of nectar and some ambrosia cake. "Hey!" said a GoddessGirl a few tables from me. "Hey! Wanna sit with us??" I replied, "Sure! I'll come over!" Then I reluctantly walked over to the table the GoddessGirl requested me to sit, along with my snacks. "I'm Aphro-" "I know, Aphrodite, GoddessGirl of love and beauty, Artemis the GoddessGirl of hunting, forest, and moon, Persephone, of Flowers, Light, and cherish, Athena, of War and wisdom, and Acillia, the GoddessGirl of friendship and eternity." I interrupted, pointing to each of the bewildered GoddessGirls in turn. Then Athena shuddered, "T-then you m-must be one of the F-fates!" "No, no," I said, grinning. "I'm Suez, GoddessGirl of Pshycic, thunder, and...well, fate. Also, my dad's Zeus." "Wait a second, my dad is Zeus too!" Athena quipped in. "That means.." "WE'RE SISTERS!" Athena and I shouted happily in unison. Then I noticed a green, snaky haired girl. We all said in unison, "Oh, no. Medusa..." "Well, we're dead." Artemis piped in with Persephone. "Drop and cover boys." Artemis commanded her dogs. I never noticed them. As the dogs- I already know, Amby, Suez and Nectar-obediently followed Artemis's orders, Medusa came in.

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