01 || Bucky Hates The Snow

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"Why do we have to do this?" Bucky grumbles, trailing along behind Steve, who thought it would be a wonderful idea to go out skiing with the rest of the Avengers. "You know that I hate the fucking snow."

Bucky really hates snow, and he can't believe that Steve even suggested that they all go out skiing. Steve's known him since they were young, he should know that he hates the snow by now.

Granted that one if the reasons Bucky hated snow back in the 20s and 30s, was the fact that it caused Steve to be bed ridden with the cold almost every day. Any one of those days could've been Steve's last.

Now though, he still hates the snow, and just finds it a right nuisance. And because it's way too cold for him. He's always been cold ever since Hydra, but during winter when it's snowing like it is now, it makes it just that much colder for him. Plus, the cold stuffs up his arm, and it's never fun waking up to frost covering his left arm, making the metal cold to the touch and sometimes a little stiff to move.

"Come on, Bucky! It'll be fun!" Steve says, as the two of them get into the van where the rest of the Avengers are waiting.

"Our first Christmas together in over seventy years, and you decide we should go fucking skiing?" Bucky asks. "I want to go somewhere sunny! Somewhere where there's a beach and absolutely no snow whatsoever."

"And then you'd complain about the heat, Buck." Steve says.

"I don't care." Bucky grumbles, pulling his hood up over his head, and hugging his jacket on more. "The heat is better than the cold."

"Tell ya what." Steve starts, putting an arm around Bucky's shoulders and pulling him closer to him a little. "Next year, we'll travel to New Zealand for Christmas. How about that? Christmas is in summer there, so no snow."

Bucky looks over at Steve at that. He definitely likes the sound of that. No snow, and Christmas in the summer, not winter? Now that sounds more ideal to him. He absolutely hates the cold, and New Zealand sounds like a great place to go for Christmas.

"New Zealand." He nods. "Is that the place where those Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies were filmed that you showed me?"

Steve nods. "Yes. It is the place."

"Well then. In that case, yes." Bucky decides. "We're going there for Christmas next year." He says. "And we're going to visit Hobbiton. No arguments about it."

"Sure thing, Buck." Steve says.

Resting his head on Steve's shoulder and hugging his jacket closer to him, Bucky tries to get as much warmth as he possibly can. With all the body heat radiating off Steve, it kind of works, but not a hell of a lot. He's still cold, even with the amount of clothes that he's wearing.

He blames the coldness of his body from being in and out of cryofreeze. Though, he's not entirely sure if that's really the reason or not. Steve was frozen for nearly seventy years, and he doesn't seem to be as cold as Bucky is. Maybe being in cryo fucked with his body a bit. No... It's more than likely that being in cryo so many times did fuck with his body in some way.

"Can someone turn the heater on in here?" Bucky asks, calling up to the front of the van, where he thinks Clint and Natasha are. "It's fucking freezing in here." He shivers.

"The heater is on, James." Natasha calls from up front. "There might be a blanket back there if you're cold."

"A blanket ain't gonna help all that much, Nat." Bucky says.

He takes the blanket from Wanda anyway, as she passes it on over to him from the seat behind himself and Steve where she sat with Sam. The blanket may not help all that much, but he's still going to use it.

"How long till we get to this ski lodge place anyway?" He asks. "And why couldn't we take a better vehicle than this piece of crap? I'm sure Stark has better vehicles in his garage than this."

"Because Stark doesn't trust Clint with driving one of his expensive cars." Natasha answers. "Besides, this van fits more than the rest of the cars in the garage would." She adds.

"And yet we still had to all split up into two different vehicles." Bucky points out.

Bucky stays silent after that, as Natasha turns round to look over at him. He definitely doesn't want to get on Natasha's bad side. He may be bigger than her, and stronger, but Natasha sure does manage to pack a punch. Not to mention she's a lot more lithe than he is.

So all Bucky does, is decide to sit and sulk in silence and hope that the next few days go by quickly. He's not really interested in going out skiing, and especially not interested in being out in the snow at all. All he want to do, is go back home, and curl up on the couch with many blankets and the fire going as he lays out on the couch with a large mug of hot coffee as he binge watches more of a show that he had discovered near the beginning of the year not long after coming out of cryo, and has really gotten into (and already rewatched plenty of times), about a group of people who survived a plane crash onto some weird as fuck island.

Unfortunately he's stuck having to go out skiing. Skiing isn't something that's in his skill set - as far as he's aware of at least - and he'd rather be back at home binge watching LOST. At least he knows exactly what he's going to be doing as soon as they return home back to Avengers tower...

He just wishes that these next few days go by fast so he can get back home quicker...

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