05 || The Winter Soldier Vs. Christmas Lights

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"I don't see why we even have to put this tree up, Steve." Bucky sighs, as he helps Steve carry a large Christmas tree through the tower and into the main living room floor where the others are waiting for them. "And why get us to carry the tree?" He asks. "I'm sure Thor would be able to carry it just fine instead of us. Or Bruce could've gone all Hulk and gotten Hulk to carry it."

Steve can't help but laugh a little at that last part. Bucky hasn't really seen the Hulk all that much, only when they absolutely need to use code green. A lot of the time, Bruce has no need to Hulk out. Which is probably a good thing.

"Bucky, I don't think Bruce Hulking out would be a very good thing." He says.

"Just a suggestion." Bucky says, adjusting his hold on the tree, as they climb up what is hopefully the last flight of stairs to get into the living room where the others are waiting.

Thankfully, it was the last flight of stairs they had to climb up, and as soon as the two of them reach the living room, they set the tree down where Tony instructs them to. Bucky never wants to carry a Christmas tree up that many flights of stairs ever again.

He also doesn't see why they didn't just get a fake Christmas tree. Knowing Steve or one of the others, getting a fake one won't look and feel as great as a real tree.

Bucky could honestly care less if it looked good or not. A fake Christmas tree just would've been a hell of a lot easier, especially when they're just going to have to take it down again in like a months time.

Actually, he just wouldn't give a damn if they didn't even have a tree. He and Steve never really had a tree for Christmas back in the 30s. Or if they did, it would be half dead.

"I'm just gonna sit out of the way while the rest of you decorate the tree." Bucky says, retreating off to the couch.

"Frosty, get your ass back here, and help decorate the tree." Tony says.

"You're not the boss of me, Stark." Bucky says.

"It's my tower you're living in." He says. "And if it weren't for me, you'd be in a prison cell."

Bucky goes to say more, but he supposes that Tony is right with what he said. If it wasn't for Tony, he'd be in prison or probably dead. Instead because of Tony, he gets to stay in Avengers tower, but still has to follow some rules that have been set in place for him.

It only seems fair that there's rules that he has to go by, and at least he's not confined to the tower twenty four seven. He's not too sure how he'd cope being locked in the tower twenty four seven. Then again, if he was, then he'd probably just spend his time watching Netflix and reading. He already does that now most do the time anyway, so maybe it wouldn't be too difficult for him.

"Tony." Steve starts, looking between Tony and Bucky. "Just, don't." He says. "Please."

"No, he's right, Steve." Bucky says, getting up off the couch and walking over to him. "If it weren't for him, I would be in a prison cell."

"Yes, but he doesn't need to keep on saying it." He says.

Bucky shakes his head, patting Steve on the back. He knows that Steve doesn't quite like it when he keeps reminding ten that if it weren't for them, that Bucky would be in a prison cell, where a lot of people think he belongs. Bucky even thinks he belongs in one even though he want exactly responsible for the death of all e people he had killed when Hydra had control of his mind.

"I know, Steve." He says, leaning in and kissing his cheek. "But if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here."

Glancing over at Tony, he finds him watching him. Both Bucky and Tony still don't exactly see eye to eye very well, and basically the whole team knows it. But Tony has good reason to not like Bucky all that much, from him having killed his parents, though he wasn't in control of his own mind.

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